
Sep 10, 2010

Make Me Smile

Just something to brighten your day!

This morning I was trying to find one of my shoes. I was looking under my bed and could not find it. I turned around and saw my small dufflebag lying on the floor. Getting a spout of genius, I walked over (on my knees. Key word is knees) and there was a pillow lying in my path. I shuffled over and put my knee on the pillow. For some unfathomable reason, the pillow slipped out from underneath me and I fell flat on my face. The best part was, is that my little sister was reading in the hallway, and she heard a thump, me shouting, and then a huge thunk. When she poked her head in my room she saw I was lying on my stomach with my face in the carpet laughing really hard. She just blinked and slowly backed out of my room.



Sep 8, 2010


For all of you reading this (which I know is very few, if anything, none) I've started a required Honors English 10 blog. It's on WordPress and, unfortunately, private. I have to have it like that. I can invite you, but you probably don't want to see that. Hopefully, though (since we have to post every week) it will motivate me to post on this blog every week (because I love to procrastinate!)
Peace out,
Love always,