
Dec 24, 2011


Ah, Christmas...

A wonderful time of year. Filled with such joy and spirit and change of heart and attitude. [at least for a day]

Do you know what I find interesting? That whenever Christmas comes around, everyone tries to change. They decide to be nicer, friendlier, happier, but once Christmas is over, there is always that depressing feeling after a couple of days, and people lose the feeling to stay cheerful. They become annoyed and grouchy, and then when New Years comes around, they are like, "I want to act like its Christmas every day." and then it fades away into nothing in a few days.

Why do we do this? Why is it that on Christmas everyone acts so good and kind but when it leaves, everyone goes back to how they were before?

One of my favorite examples of Christmas cheer and 'good will toward men' was during World War I. I don't know if all of you have heard the story, or if some of you haven't, but one time on Christmas, while the German, French, and British were fighting against each other, the Germans created a Christmas truce. They held up makeshift banners and signs saying, "YOU NO FIGHT, WE NO FIGHT". German soldiers also put out miniature Christmas trees lit with candles. English and French responded with banners saying, "MERRY CHRISTMAS". They all got out of their trenches and exchanged gifts of tobacco, newspapers, chocolate cake, postcards, etc. Some people even had some soccer balls, and they started playing a game of soccer.

These soldiers were able to look past the feelings of war. They put aside their differences and stopped fighting, at least for a day. I'm sure that some of those soldiers became friends. They ignored the fact that the next day, they would have to resume killing each other. Can you imagine how painful that would be, making friends with your enemies, and having to kill them a day later?

I love the things that Christmas do to us. I love how everyone acts, how happy and joyful everyone is. It's so fun to see that I still have a little sister [maybe two. I don't know how other sister stands] that still strongly believes in Santa Claus. How happy she was when my mom was wrapping presents in the basement, and my dear sister thought that it was Santa and his elves doing it. She wanted to go in the basement so badly, but she knew she wasn't supposed too.

The only thing that I wish that everyone could do is act like Christmas is every day. Not necessarily giving wrapped presents every day [although that would be nice], but just having the attitude of Christmas.

Of course, we can't forget the true meaning of Christmas, as everyone calls it. We must remember what happened long ago. Whether you believe in this or not, I believe that Jesus came down and was born here on earth for us. I always try to keep that in mind whenever my family on Christmas morning are tearing [literally] through the presents.

Anyway, just to wrap things up, I hope you guys have a very merry Christmas!

As John Lennon says: "A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year/ Let's hope it's a good one without any fears."

Dec 8, 2011


Okay, so all of the pictures on my blog are deciding to be temperamental. They won't load. I'll fix that soon. [maybe]
I've noticed that I come here to blog when I'm most bored or when I don't have anything to do, or I should be doing homework. I've also noticed that people have little 'quirks' on their blog.

  • Heather adds little pictures to her posts via art tablet. Did you like how I linked her name? Yeah, that way you'll actually go to her blog and it'll be great because she's great.
  • Taylor makes lists. Lots of them.
Bullets are great. The composition kind. Not the metal kind. And although that list isn't very great (it's jealous of Taylor's), it has two of my favorite bloggers on it. Because they post normally. It seems like on a schedule. Me, I just do it randomly. I really should change that [I say for the 2,375,105 time]
Maybe I should link this blog to Facebook. Show off my writing.

You know, there are a lot of things I wish I did on this blog [or real life]. Let's make another bulleted [spelling?] list, shall we?
  • Post daily [or at least on a schedule]. That way it'll turn into a habit, and good habits are good. [Redundancy Dept of Redundancy]
  • Post pictures that I take
  • Take my camera with me everywhere. [I've been working on that one for a while]
  • Draw more in my sketchbook
  • Finish [or start] the books that are gathering digital dust on my computer
  • Start vlogging? [looks like fun]
  • Work on YouTube channel with Alison
  • Get all of the songs that my friend [Alison] and I have written and recorded [yes, I record songs. They aren't all good. Low quality equipment, right here]
Well, that was a good list. Not as good as Taylor's, but pretty good.

For photography class, I have to create an online portfolio, so I will let you know as soon as that is up. I won't be doing it here on Blogger. Weebly is where it's at. It's better for photography portfolios. [My site is under construction, but I will have a link for you in a new post when it is completed. Yay, deadlines!]

I've been reading a book. It's good. I haven't finished, but I think it's good so far
[for those of you who are wondering, the book is called Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor]

I think that's enough for today. I honestly will try harder. I have been giving up, lately.

Here's a song for you.

Nov 21, 2011


I have officially lived through 11/11/11 at 11:11. I just kinda forgot to post about it.
Let's pretend that it's that date and time right now.


Well, that was fun. 1o days off isn't too bad, right?
Okay, I know I need to post. I've said it a million times and I'll probably say it a million more. I'm not making anymore promises because I'll probably break them for the umpteenth time. I think what needs to happen is that you cross your fingers and hope for the best.

I have English homework I need to do, but I don't feel like doing it. Blegh.

Oct 20, 2011

[Insert Title Here]

I'm not quite sure what to talk about, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

I have a dear dear friend who has just had the privilege of living and wreaking havoc on this planet for 17 years.
You know, I've always wondered if, while we are in heaven, if we choose the amount of days we have to live.  Is it just a random thing?
How many days do my parents have?
My siblings?
One day I took a test to see how long I would live and how I died.  I lived to be 72 years old and died by inhaling a tissue while sneezing.  Well, if that happens, at least I have a good story to tell the people in the after-life.
I once heard a quote (and I am not going to say this correctly, just to warn you) "Everyone has a limited amount of words.  When those words start to run out, we begin to die.  Be sure to save good words for your last."  or something like that.  I actually liked that quote.  It makes death a lighter subject.
Almost, though. Not quite.
This reminds me of an experience that I was slightly involved in.  Not completely, though.
There was a girl who lived in my neighborhood who got leukemia.  She was 12 years old.  She died, and she even made the decision to.  She was tired of taking treatment, and wanted it to be over.  She didn't want to suffer anymore.  She told her parents and planned her funeral with them.  This girl had such strength and courage, and she was able to stare down death in the face.  She was completely brave.  She might have been scared about death, but she was brave.  You can be brave and scared at the same time.  When she was in her pre-mortal state or something, do you think that she knew that she would die at that age, and that she would make the decision as well?  Did she choose her death?
I wonder what will happen to me?
This also slightly pertains to people with mental illnesses.  Before they came to Earth, did they make the decision to be mentally retarded, or suffer from autism, etc.?  Or were they chosen at random, and didn't have a say about it?  Did they know at all what would soon happen to them?
These questions are opening up more questions, and my brain is beginning to hurt.
This also opens up to the fact of what might happen to us in the future?  What will happen to me in the next five minutes?  Hour? 12 hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Years?  Will I make it that long?
Fear of the unknown will get us nowhere.  Looking back to the past won't move you forward, either.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.  That is why they call it present."

Yes, I did just quote Kung Fu Panda.

Oct 16, 2011


Mom: "Eric, I'm signing you up for the middle school advanced learning test. There's a Math test, English test, or a Science test. It goes from either 7:30 to 11:30, or 12:30 to 4:30."
Eric: "What?! The test lasts for three hours?!"
*awkward pause*
Mom: "Uhh..."
Me: "Well, at least we know you aren't taking the math test..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have an early morning choir practice at 6:00 am, Tuesday. Yay.
I just finished playing the Hobbit on the computer. It was fun.
I've decided I will now read the book because of the computer game.
I've noticed I should grow up and stop playing computer games.
I should really finish the 7 books I've started that are gathering virtual dust on my computer.
I love photography, but I dislike my teacher.
I like friendship bracelets, but wearing them bothers me.
I don't really know what I'm going to do with my future life.
I enjoy getting my picture taken.
I wish I never quit dance when I was seven.
I wish I decided to take soccer when my mom offered when I was eight.
I wish I could talk to the opposite species known as boys.
I watch Doctor Who sometimes, even though it scares me.
I get scared easily.
I wish I knew myself better than I think I do.
I procrastinate. (take this blog for example)
I wish I could get things done. (driving)
I want to own a cat or dog when I grow up.
I still like myself even though I have a lot of wishes for myself.
I am known as the 'Grammar Police' among my friends
I write my books based on dreams I've had.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

School is going alright for me. I'm doing go--excuse me, well. Proper grammar, there. I don't really know where that list of things came from. I guess some of the other blogs I read are starting to rub off on me. I am in a weird mood today, and I really wish I could listen to my music. Alas, it is Sunday, and I really shouldn't. But I want to.
I really need to read Cry, the Beloved Country for English tomorrow, but I don't feel like it. But I should do it soon.
Really soon.
There are a lot of things I need to get done soon.
Really soon.


Boys stress me out. Especially a certain one I'm thinking of. I'm stressed out by him, if you couldn't tell.
He likes me, I don't. (towards him).
He wants to ask me out on a date...and I don't want to.
Why must I be 16?!
Too much stress and opportunities. I can drive, but I don't have the ability or the privilege because I'm lazy.
I can date. But I'm afraid of it.
Sadie Hawkins freaks me out. I was pressured and pressured, so I resisted and resisted. Secretly, I didn't know anyone I could ask (and I didn't want to go in the first place) because I can't talk the the things we call boys. Well, the ones I want to talk to, anyways.
But I don't want to just be a picture in a yearbook. (Yes, I got that from the movie Lemonade Mouth from Disney Channel)
I want to be known, like my used-to-be best friend.
She's popular.
She can talk to the species we call boys.
She has multiple boys fawning over her.
She is girlfriend to the boy I liked in 9th grade.
I don't even think he really knew me. We just casually chatted.
Then she told him I liked him.
They're dating now.

I guess I'm over it, but it's still a sore spot when I think about her.
Not just about the boy, I mean.
We were close. I have pictures and videos to prove it.
Maybe she thought that I wasn't worth her time anymore.
She had too many friends.
I was pushed aside.
Shoved out and replaced by new ones.
I told her I was done.
She seemed okay with it.
Was I disposable?
I was depressed for days.
We never talk, except for the occasional awkward "Hi" in the hallways.
Awkward for me, anyways.
I don't even know if she cares.
I have new friends.
Maybe even better ones.
But I'm still sad.
I care.

Oct 13, 2011


Well, that commitment lasted a while.  Like, a week and a half. Wow.  I am appalled at myself. (not really, I kindof knew this would happen.)

Anyways, I don't really know what's happened to me lately.

OH! I just thought of a good one.

You know that time long ago when it was homecoming?  Yeah?  Well, I've got a story about that.

So once upon a time my friends and I decided to go to the homecoming football game.  After a while, we got bored (we were kicking the opposing teams butts 49-7 at halftime) and we decided to just leave.  We wanted to go to Walmart (I don't really remember the exact reason why, but we just did) so we climbed in my friends Jeep.  My friend has had her license for about four months, and you aren't allowed to drive people who are not an immediate family member for six months--so we were illegal, but we didn't really care, basically because we are stupid sixteen year olds.  While we were about to turn into the Walmart parking lot, I saw a police car parked on the side of the road.  I turned to my friend:
"Hey, there's a police car.  Be careful.  Are you doing anything illegal?" I asked (besides the fact that she had two girls in her car that weren't supposed to be there.)
"Yeah, everything's fine," she said.  Reassured, I relaxed.
As we turned into the parking lot, the police car suddenly turned on it's lights and started following us.  My heart practically came out of my mouth.  I saw my friends hands grip the steering wheel, and she pulled into a parking space.  The police car pulled into the one next to us and the officer got out of the car.  He walked over to us.
"How are you doing tonight?" he asked.
"I'm doing fine, thank you," my friend replied.  I gulped and stared at my knees.
"Do you know why I pulled you over?" he asked.
"I'm sorry, I don't.  I thought I was doing everything okay," my friend said.
"You were driving just fine.  I just wanted to let you know that when you buy a new car, you need to put your temporary license plate on the back of the car.  I couldn't see it when you were driving."  All eyes swiveled to the stupid piece of paper taped to the windshield.
"I'm sorry, my dad put it there.  I'll be sure to fix it," my friend said.
"Can I please see your license and papers?"
"Of course."  My friend turned to me and snapped her fingers as a signal to open the glove compartment.  I opened it with trembling hands and pulled out the papers.  My friend fumbled through her purse and then pulled out her license and handed them to the officer.  He flipped through the papers and examined the license.  I started to flip out even more (my facade was that of a sick individual, clammy and sweating.   My inside self was running around my brain, screaming in terror at the fact that we broke that stupid law and were about to get caught.  I personally like the facade much better.  I would look like an idiot if I were showing the other one.)  If he scanned her license, he would know that she hadn't had it for very long.  We were done for.
Then a miracle happened.
"You know, I can see that you are a very responsible driver.  I won't scan your license.  Please put your temporary on the back of the car as soon as possible.  Have a nice night," the officer stated, and handed back the papers and license, and then walked back to the cruiser.  He swung out of the parking lot and drove away.
My friend and I looked at each other at the same time, and started to scream and hyperventilate. (me screaming, her hyperventilating)  I grabbed the cursed piece of paper and jammed it on the back of the car with the same used tape.  I didn't care as long as it stayed.  I then decided to run around her car like a maniac a couple times to get my pumping adrenaline out.
I suddenly heard my other friend, who was happily texting on her cell phone through the whole ordeal, look up and--taking in what my friend and I were doing--issued the following word:

Once I stopped running around the car and managed to still my beating heart, the three of us went into Walmart and bought ourselves a pack of Oreos.  We then drove home and happily gorged away our fear with milk's favorite cookie.

It was quite a supernatural thing that happened.  I think some great celestial being or something gave us a warning.  I have vowed from that point on that I will never set foot in her car until it is legal, and I will never break a driving law.  Ever.

Aug 29, 2011


I missed a day.

How could I?!

I was on a roll, I posted every day for...9 days. Yep, that's right, it totally was a habit.
Better work on that.

To be honest, I think I've done a good job. I've never done this well before. (I almost said, "I've never done this good before. Yechh! Bad grammar)

Oh, wait, Family Night.

Ze light painting wis ze sparklers.

Sorry if I've already uploaded this picture. You'll get over it eventually.

Aug 27, 2011


This lightning is freaky.

I would love to get a picture of it.

My sister learned how to ride a bike without training wheels today. Cute picture

This picture is my favorite. No editing used at all.

Aug 26, 2011


I've seriously been cutting these blog posts close. Really close.

I've been trying to get a picture of a sunset recently for my photography class, but I can't get a good one. What will I do when it comes?

Again, this post will have to be short because I really don't know what else to talk about.

Our family is totally obsessed with screen time right now. Just barely, while babysitting, my brother was on the computer for an hour and my sister watched TV for three hours. Their brains are going to melt by the time they are 12 and 9.

Well, since I'm done with this mini post, I might as well put in the picture.


At least here's one successful picture of sunset. I wish this would happen again.

Aug 25, 2011


I am going to be sore in the morning.

Today I've started a new dance class, and I think it is pretty fun. Yep. I also have no idea what to blog about. I started dance.

School is pretty cool. It started about four days ago. This will be one of the easiest years ever (which will probably mean that I'll slack off so much that it will be hardest thing ever) I'm most excited for my photography class and my drawing class. Yay, art! I already have lots of homework, but I've been able to stay caught up.

This post is getting nowhere. I might as well end the post here.

I'm sorry that if you know me--I will be irritable tomorrow.


Hey, at least I posted, right?

Aug 24, 2011


Don't you hate when you are a pushover?

I'm sorry, I don't have a lot of time--again--but I needed to post.

I am too much of a pushover. I'm too afraid of hurting people's feelings. I don't want them to be offended, and sometimes I put people forward too much that I let myself fall behind and uncared for. Then I feel so angry and distraught, and I keep it all bottled up inside. I need to just face it. I can't let them do this to me all the time. But I let them. All the time. And I hate it.
I can't seem to get the courage to stand up for myself.

This thing happened between someone I love and cherish very much. They have problems in their life, and I feel like I have the "perfect family" and everything goes well, while this person has to suffer because of it. They tell me everything, and I don't know what to do. And because they keep it all inside and they can't stand up to their family, they take all of the anger and pain out on me. It's awful, because I try to help them, but nothing I do works. I was crushed today because of them, and I cried. I admit this on the internet. I did. But, sometimes crying is good. It makes you feel better. The emotion is leaking out with all of your tears.

Yes, this experience happened to me today. It was awful. I had to just sit alone in my room and just cry and talk it out to my mother (I tell her everything) until it was all lifted off my shoulders. I really hope you don't have to go through something like this. The same thing that I went through. It feels great when you are finished and you feel like there is this huge weight lifted off your shoulders because you talked it off (much like 'walking it off'), but before you feel crushed. Like Atlas, the man who had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Aug 23, 2011

Return II

Back to school. Yay!...maybe. I guess it really depends on how this year turns out. Sophomore year was a, to put it nicely, nightmare. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but still, it was awful. Getting into the high school routine and having homework a lot more than in Jr. High (Middle School for you everywhere-else-but-Utah folks) was killer. Especially Physics.
Yeah, I know, I've ranted about this before, but I'm dead serious here. That...tthiinngg was a living Ha. I did a happy dance when I left that classroom for the last time. I vowed to never step foot in there again. (Which means that next week I will probably walk into that classroom again. Great.)
Anyway, I guess today was, well, A LOT BETTER. My first four classes are going to be the easiest things in the world.

Have you noticed that I do an overdose on parenthesis? I just noticed that (obviously) See?! There I go again.

I think I've had too much Dr. Pepper today. I haven't had any!


Why am I crazy? I can't even think straight. I'm high...on life!
Maybe because my self esteem was raised a bajillion points today because people kept complimenting me on my shirt, my backpack, my face...etc. etc. etc.

"I'm good enough...I'm smart enough...and gosh darn it, people like me..."

CLICK THE LINK TO THE VIDEO Go to the minute 2:21.

Yep...too much Dr. Pepper.

Speaking of Dr. Pepper, you know those games when the teacher is all,
Teacher: Alright class! Let's go through the role, and when I call out your name, think of something interesting about yourself to share with everyone!
You (thinking): What? No! I'm not interesting! What will I say?! So much pressure...some kid in my other class got bitten by an alligator! (this is true) I can't top that! What will I do?! I'm so boring! I should leave class right now! AH! Um...I'll just say I
Teacher: Lizzy, you're next!
You: Uh...I like Dr....Pepper...
Teacher: Me, too!
You: Awkward...

They should really think of some different games, because I played that game three times in a row, and I felt like I had to say different things just in case anyone else in any of my other classes was there, and then they'd be really bored and then I'd feel bad and then they won't be my friend and I'll be lonely.
Run on sentence!

Maybe I should just stop talking. I don't even understand what I'm saying...

Aug 22, 2011


Ack!  I almost forgot to post today.  It is getting late, and I really need to get on my 'back-to-school' sleeping schedule, so this post is short and sweet.
I am super excited for school tomorrow!  I hope that everything will go well.  The one thing that I am truly grateful for is that I am officially over and done with Physics.  Ha!  Physics!  You can go throw yourself in the paper shredder for all I care!

With that happy note, I leave you.

Here is a picture of my little sister running down a hill.  Enjoy.

Aug 21, 2011


Update on the photography blog!  Check it out.  Link here or in the sidebar.  I believe it is listed on the Favorite Blogs and Websites.

Whatever You Do, Don't Think

Today is my father's birthday.  Happy Birthday, Dad!

Anyway, I haven't had any form of an eventful day.  I feel like I should answer some questions about myself.  I've felt like I'm some empty shell that keeps spewing out nonsense every couple days.  I need a body.  A form.  What do I look like?  I'm hollow.
That actually sounded poetic.  I assure you that I am not a hollow person.  I have organs and muscles and proper body parts.  I'm talking about the soul............... (annoying amount of ellipses)

[Cue rant]

Can I mention how much I hate it when people put too many ellipses? like...this...  or they use ellipses in the place of periods.  Such as, "I am so dog is too...he's sick...I hope he gets better..."
Or, instead of using three ellipses (they should be) they use five, or six, or twenty.  

Example: I'm talking about the soul... (correct!)
I'm talking about the soul...... (AGH! NO!  Take off three of those!  My eyes!)
Or even: I'm talking about the soul...................................... (okay, what is that supposed to be?  Ants?  Bullet holes? You might as well just start over)

[End rant]

Let's answer some questions! This way you can really get to know me.  And it will actually be a full post...that will make sense.
Heather, I am now stealing something from your blog again.  You give me good ideas.  The question thing you did, I am now taking it. Ha!
(PS. If you would like to see Heather's awesome blog, you should click here.  Go on, click it.  Yes, here is the link.  I gave you two tries.  You better take it.)

My middle name is: Marie
I was born in: June
I am really: Happy
My cellphone company is: T Mobile
My eye color is: Brown
My shoe size is: 9 (I have big feet)
My height is: 5'9"
I am allergic to: Nothing!  Ha!
My 1st car will be: Something old...and automatic
My 1st job was: Babysitting
Last book you read: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (summer reading)
My bed is: Messy
My pet: Is nonexistent
My best friend(s): Alison, and Californians
My favorite shampoo is: Burt's Bees Grapefruit and Sugar Beet.  You hair smells good and is so soft
IM name: Lizzy
Piggy banks are: currently not owned by me.  I wish I had one.
In my pockets: Lint
On my calendar: Dr. Suess's Oh the Places You'll Go
Marriage is: going to happen
Spongebob: is annoying
My mom: is the best cook in the world
The last three CDs I got were: a mix CD, Summer Hits 2007 (I believe), and another mix CD
Last YouTube video watched: Synesthesia
How many cousins do you have? 8, but that's not counting step cousins
Do you have any siblings? Yes, three
Are your parents divorced? Nein
Are you taller than your mom? Same height
Do you play an instrument? Yes
What did you do yesterday? I went to a wedding reception.  At least I saw some of my step cousins.

Love at first sight: I think love needs to grow
Luck: Sometimes
Fate: Yes and no
Yourself: Sometimes
Aliens: Not the green ones with the bug eyes.  But I do think life is out there.
Heaven: Yes
Hell: Yes
God: Yes
Horoscopes: They're stupid
Soul mates: I think that there are multiple people "made" for you
Ghosts: More like angels, or souls
Gay Marriage: No opinion
War: I don't want to
Orbs: No
Magic: I wish

Hugs or Kisses: Hugs, I've never had a kiss
Drink or High: No drinking for me
Phone or Online: Both
Red heads or Black haired: Both
Blonde or Brunettes: Both
Hot or Cold: Cold
Summer or winter: Summer
Autumn or Spring: Autumn
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Night or Day: Day
Oranges or Apples: Apples
Curly or Straight hair: Straight
McDonalds or Burger King: Carl's Jr.
White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate
Mac or PC: PC
Flip flops or high heals: Flip flops
Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: Sexy and poor
Coke or Pepsi: What's the difference?
Hillary or Obama: I don't care for politics
Buried or cremated: Buried
Singing or Dancing: At the same time
Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: McPhee
Small town or Big city: Small town
Wal-Mart or Target: Target
Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller
Manicure or Pedicure: Pedicure (I pick off the manicure)
East Coast or West Coast: West
Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas
Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers
Disney or Six Flags: Disney
Yankees or Red Sox: Red Sox

War: Isn't a good thing
George Bush: isn't engraved in my memory
Gay Marriage: No one should have the right to make loving someone else illegal
The presidential election: isn't involved with me
Abortion: Isn't cool
MySpace: What's that? :)
Reality TV: Eurgh
Parents: I love
Back stabbers: Why?
Ebay: is what my dad likes
Sex: After marriage
Work: Eventually
My Neighbors: I don't know them very well (sad)
Gas Prices: Don't have a car
Designer Clothes: are stupid
College: Eventually
Sports: Soccer
My family: Crazy
The future: Is coming

Hugged someone: Last night
Last time you ate: Half hour ago
Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Yesterday
Cried in front of someone: 2 days ago
Went to a movie theater: Um...a week ago.  Cars 2
Took a vacation: Define vacation
Swam in a pool: Last month
Changed a diaper: 4 years ago
Got my nails done: not professionally
Went to a wedding: no idea
Broke a bone: Never
Got a piercing: Never
Broke the law: No idea
Texted: Yesterday

Who makes you laugh the most: Taylor, Heather, Makaela, Alison
Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my family
The last movie I saw: Music and Lyrics
The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: The school year
The thing I'm not looking forward to: Homework
People call me: Elizabeth, Liz, Lizzy, Lizard, Lizbizfiz, Yizbizza, 2.5, Fizbizza, anything spun off from Lizzy
The most difficult thing to do is: Tell someone you like them/confess
I have gotten a speeding ticket: Not once
My zodiac sign is: Gemini
The first person I talked to today was: My mom
First time you had a crush: Kindergarten
The one person who I can't hide things from: Alison, my mom
Last time someone said something you were thinking: Uh...
Right now I am talking to: My mom
What are you going to do when you grow up: Photography
I have/will get a job: Hopefully soon
Tomorrow: I'm finishing an essay
Today: Has been uneventful
Next Summer: might be better
Next Weekend: Trek reunion
I have these pets: An imaginary bear named Basco
The worst sound in the world: Rubbing a balloon
The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself
People that make you happy: All of my friends and  my family
Last time I cried: 2 days ago
My friends are:...weird
My computer is: Lovely... though sometimes I want to hit it
My School: is average
My Car: nonexistent
I lose all respect for people who: Cheat or lie or hurt people
The movie I cried at was: Harry Potter 7.2
Your hair color is: Goldish brown
TV shows you watch: Avatar the Last Airbender
Your dream vacation: Greece and England
The worst pain I was ever in was: extreme growing pains
How do you like your steak cooked: Little bit burnt pieces, and mildly pink in the middle
My room is: Messy, but not dirty
My favorite celebrity is: I don't know...I don't know many celebrities name
Where would you like to be: At a park with a blanket, a book, camera, and a Dr. Pepper.  In California.  With my friends
Do you want children: After I'm married
Ever been in love: Define "in love"
More guy friends or girl friends: Girl
One thing that makes you feel great is: Finding a new favorite song, book, or person or making someone happy
One person that you wish you could see right now: Only one?  All my friends in California
Do you have a 5 year plan: Finish high school and get myself into college and start photography major
Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No
Have you pre-named your children: Nope.  I'll know it when I see them
Last person I got mad at: My friend
I would like to move to: California...maybe
I wish I was a professional: Photographer

Okay, I'm starting to lose interest now, so I will finish this tomorrow.

These are the lights in my computer room

Aug 20, 2011


I'm trying!  I promise.  Look, two posts in a row.  Are you happy?  I am.  This is actually getting somewhere.  I am seriously serious about (maybe) this 365 day thing.  I KNOW!  I will add a picture for every day!  Yes!  I will also put sticky notes everywhere to remind me to post pictures.  I have to do this!  It will be awesome!  YES!  YES YES Y---

Can I really do this?
Yes.  Positive thoughts...
Let's start now.

                                                                This is the time right now.

Now...lets see if I can pull this through.
I can.

Aug 19, 2011


Woah!  What is this?!  A blog post?  Since when?  What are those?  Huh?  Where am I?

The reason why I am returning is because I felt guilty.  I was at a birthday party last night, and my friend randomly turns to me and says, "Post on your blog!  I'm getting bored reading the same things over and over."  I had no idea that people actually read it...I mean, I know I have nine followers, but I thought it was out of pity than anything else.  Then I was flattered, because someone actually checks if I've posted.  Then I felt bad that I had them keep reading a silly quote that my little sister said two months ago.  I even made this my New Year's resolution!  I could get paid blogging!  I could even get paid for posting videos on Youtube!  Ahh!  And then it got me thinking that the view counter I have posted slyly  on the side bar is at 1000, but I thought those views were from me checking to see if any of the changes worked that I applied on my blog.  Although the majority is, some of those views are genuine!  Like, people check to see if I've done anything.  Someone who I've never met before actually commented on one of my posts!  I felt pretty happy.  Then I felt determined to keep posting more on my blog.  Like, a 365 day challenge. (the same thing I'm doing with my retainer to see if it'll actually turn into a habit...we'll see)  Then I got crestfallen because I'm not that dedicated.  Then I made a goal to become dedicated!  Then I thought that I still wouldn't be dedicated.  It might help for the first two blog posts, but then seep into nonbeing ("which is to say, everything."  I just quoted something.  Brownie points to the person who knows what I just quoted.  And what book number.  And the person who said it.  And why) where the spare keys and bits of fluff are stored.  Then for some reason that got me thinking of the Red Pyramid, by Rick Riordan. (a good book, by the way).
Argh, I need to get my head screwed on straight I thought to myself. Why am I thinking about pyramids that are red?!
Then I started to think back on track and then I noticed that sometimes I don't have good ideas for what I'm going to blog.  Sometimes the only things that come to mind is (and this is seriously what I think about when I'm bored): Cat. Watermelon. Garden hose.  Oh yeah, I need to water today.  Is it raining?  Ah!  Lightning!  Get underneath a doorframe! Wait...that's for earthquakes.  What are you supposed to do when it's lightning...-ing?  Texas has lots of storms.  Alison!  My friend is from Texas.  I wonder what she's doing...I should take some pictures of the lightning...Harry Potter!  He has a scar on his forehead...Lightning! HOLY CRAP WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

And that is what I thought entirely in about ten seconds when someone asked me why I didn't blog anymore.  I snapped out of it when someone yelled, "CUPCAKES"
Then I thought about eating them.  I'm would I do if I was starving in the middle of the desert...CACTUS JUICE! "it's a giant mushroom...MAYBE IT'S FRIENDLY!"

Hey!  A decent sized blog post.  Maybe I should do this more often...

Jun 15, 2011

When Children Come

Today my little sisters best friend came over.  They are five years old.
Maggie (the friend) had to finish some chores before she was able to come over.  When the doorbell rang, it was Maggie at the door.
Laney came running.
"You came!"
"Yep.  Sorry I took so long.  It took three hundred years!"
"No, it didn't."
"You're right.  I'd be dead."


Jun 12, 2011

When Summer Begins

I have officially failed as a blogger. I admit this heinous crime. Why did I even start? Because everyone else had one. But I like it. I also feel like I don't have anything interesting to say. My friend, Heather, is a genius when it comes to writing on her blog. Why can't I say anything cool? Siiighhhh.... Oh well. I should be grateful, I guess. People follow my blog! Nine! Woo! I guess I have some interesting things to say. I have also decided to give up on the thirty day challenge. I wasn't really trying that hard, and it didn't really help me keep up with my blogging.

Time for something interesting. I am currently in Colorado, celebrating my cousins welcome home from his mission! Yay! Returns are awesome. I am also typing this very blog post on my aunts iPad. That's also cool. I'm also planning to go to the Harry Potter 7.2 midnight showing with my friend. Yay! Midnight showings!

Darn...the iPad is running out of battery. Besides, I should probably get back to Percy Jackson anyway. And return the iPad...darn...maybe I should buy one...muse muse muse...I like ellipses.........

Apr 10, 2011

Day 5: What I Hope to Accomplish in Life

Let’s get back on a happier note, shall we?
What I want to do in life…
Muse muse muse.
Well, I would really like to major in the arts. You know, performing arts, visual arts. That kind of stuff. I would love to be in a dance company. Also, I would love to (as mentioned in older posts) become a professional photographer. I’ve already signed up for the classes, as my SEOPs were today. I’m rather excited for my Junior year. Sophomore was really difficult, seeing as I was getting all of my bleh stuff out of the way. No more language credit for me!
Also, I hope to be in college. Who doesn’t? (Maybe people who want to work at McDonalds for the rest of their lives…) And graduate, too.
Marriage is also an option. I think that I would like it. A lot. Having children would be a joy in my life. I can tell that even though my parents get exasperated and frustrated with us sometimes, they still love us. (Us as in my siblings) I would love being a parent. Seeing the newborn baby for the first time. That would be an amazing, wonderful, elating feeling.
Sigh…the future. So many unknown things it holds.
Do you know what another thing that holds unknown things is? (I just used thing one too many times) The universe.
What is beyond it?
What is in it?
What does it look like?
Who/what is in it?
These are the questions that haunt me…
Maybe that will be something that I hope to do in life. Figure out what’s out there

Day 4: What I Have To Forgive Someone For

This one is also really hard. Maybe it’s for those little things that I’ve completely forgotten about. I’m sure we’ve always had those.
That is one thing that girls bother me about. We hold grudges for the longest time, and then we forget what we were mad about–or we try to forget about it–and pretend like nothing happened. We never go through a proper apology and forgive them for what they did. Of course, not all girls are like that, but I’ve noticed it a lot throughout most. (Mrs. Brems, did you see that a separated the “a” and the “lot”? ) I’m not also trying to plan false ideas into your brain about how girls forgive each other. That is just the jist of us in a nutshell.
Guys, it seems, is a different story. It seems like they don’t quite like having ‘feelings’. Of course, I could be totally wrong. It looks like they can’t show emotions or else they become ridiculed. Showing the least amount of pain just means that you are ‘weak’ in guy standards.
Girls, if we get upset, you better look out because that waterfall is about to come spilling down. Girls show their emotions too much, guys, maybe not enough.
It also looks like that when guys are angry at each other they shove one another, throw a couple punches, and then go out to get pizza like nothing ever happened.
It bugs me. It really does. Why can’t we all just stand up and say, “Hey, you really hurt my feelings there, and I would really appreciate it if you didn’t do it again. Can we be friends, now?” Why do guys have to beat each other up and girls have to gang up on the one person, exclude them, shun them, excommunicate them from the group. And when a girl is excluded, it takes a while to be included again.
Ugh! I hate the universe!
Of course, I could be totally wrong with all of this, and I may be following stereotypes, and I’m really sorry if I am. This is just what I’ve observed. I don’t mean to insult anyone.
How did I even get on this topic, anyway?

Mar 9, 2011

Day 3: What I Have To Forgive Myself For

This one is hard.  There is always something in our lives that we need to forgive ourselves for.  I think the hardest thing for me is even after I’ve been forgiven for something that I did wrong, I still need to forgive myself.  I still hold on to it and it just makes me feel worse, even though I’m forgiven for it already.
I need to forgive myself for not forgiving myself.
I always think about the thing I did wrong.  Always.  If I just say something wrong and it sounds offensive–after I correct myself and they understand–I still hold onto it.  I apologize many times and soon they get annoyed and yell at me and say that I’m forgiven and that I just need to let it go.
I think one of the reasons why I don’t let it go is because I’m always afraid of hurting people’s feelings.  Like, when I’m annoyed by something that someone’s doing, I don’t tell them to knock it off because I’m afraid I might offend them, so I just put up with it.  The one good thing about that is that it’s taught me patience, I guess.
I’m also the complete opposite of my friend, Alison.  I know, I’ve mentioned her a lot, but it’s true. (About the offending people stuff)  If she’s annoyed by someone or something, she will be flat with you.  She may be blunt, but she’s not offensive.  If you are, say, touching her hair and making her feel uncomfortable–instead of just ignoring it, she will turn around and say, “Hey, I’m feeling uncomfortable with this, so can you please stop?” instead of turning around and yelling, “HEY YOU! STOP TOUCHING MY HAIR, YOU FREAK!”
I hate my fear of offending people.  It makes me feel defenseless and a push over.  I need to conquer it.

Feb 6, 2011

Day 2: What I Love About Myself

What I love most about myself are my eyes and my laugh.  I mean, my laugh is a strange thing, but it makes me.  I like my eyes because of my laugh.  I just love smiling.  I am the easiest person to make laugh.  I laugh all the time.  I like how laughing makes me happy and in a good mood.  My eyes always crinkle up when I smile, and I'm already getting wrinkles around my eyes because I smile so much.  I also like that when I smile, my eyes shine.  I guess that happens to everyone, but it just makes me in a glowing feeling.  I guess I'm also good at making people laugh, even when it isn't on purpose.  I enjoy seeing the joy in people, and when I'm the one causing that joy it makes me feel extra special.  I especially like it when I laugh with my friends.  When my crazy friend, Alison, says something really weird, dumb, or whatever and we start laughing over it, it's much more fun to laugh together than by yourself.  
Since this post is about laughter, I've decided to post a blonde joke.  Please do not take offence. 

In a high school civics class, they were discussing the qualifications for becoming President of the United States. The requirements are pretty simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen and at least 35 years old.
A blonde girl in the class piped up and began complaining about how unfair it was to require the candidate to be a natural born citizen. In her opinion, that made it impossible for many qualified people to run for the office. She went on and on, wrapping up her argument with "What makes a natural born citizen more qualified to be President than one born by C-Section?"

I mean, laughing makes you healthier and less likely to get sick, so why not laugh whenever you can?

Jan 31, 2011

Look At That Glare!

While sitting in my room a couple minutes ago, my little sister walked inside my room and looked at my closet door.  She pointed to my Twilight poster that I've been too lazy to take down at Edward.
"Lizzy, is this that glow-in-the-dark man?"
I crack up.


PS.  This is my 100th post.  Yippee!

Jan 30, 2011

When You Marry Corbin Bleu Your Kids Will Have Curly Hair

Have I told you that my little sister is adorable?
Just a few seconds ago, my mom was informing me that when my dad says that we need to read our scriptures, I need to do it instantly because I came home late from a Youth Fireside recently.  Laney looked up and said to my mom in a matter-of-factly voice with hands on hips: "Mom, it's not 'reading the scriptures.' It's feasting the scriptures!"  She gave mom a "duh" look, rolled her eyes, and flounced off.  



Although you may think that this really isn't anything embarrassing, it was plenty for me.

Today during church I was feeling really "bleh" and sick inside.  Then, randomly, a pounding headache came on, so when sacrament meeting was over my dad took me home.  When I went inside I trudged upstairs and took my hair out from its bun, and scowled at the frizzy mess.  I pulled it into a loose ponytail and changed into my comfy PJs and slippers.  I climbed into bed and took a nap. When I woke up, some strands had fallen out of the ponytail and gave me a hobo-ish look but I didn't bother fixing it.
After my family came home, I went downstairs and read a book.  After a couple hours I started to get hungry so I grabbed some chips and salsa.  While I was eating, a knock came at the door and the caller came into our house.  I thought nothing of it.  But, then when I heard their voice I panicked.  It was Liam, a thirteen or fourteen year old kid who lives down my street who is rather annoying and enjoys teasing people.  I glanced upwards, my mouth full of chips and saw him staring at me and my attire with an impish glint in his eyes and eyebrows raised.  I blushed a bloody red and swallowed.  When he wasn't looking, I grabbed the chips and salsa and ran to the other side of the table, well away from his view.  Why the heck did he come to my house?!


Jan 29, 2011

Day 1: What I Hate About Myself

Although I feel like I'm copying immensely, I'm going to be doing the same thing as Heather.  Every day write down a certain thing about me, and then include a picture of something that goes along with it.  
(Heather, I'm sorry if you think I'm copying.  I like the idea :))  I've decided to do it because not only will it help others know me more, it'll help me know myself better.

One of the many things that I dislike about myself is my nose.  I know what you're thinking.  What the heck, a nose?  Why on earth?  I hate it because I think that it is too large at the bottom.  I mean, the top is very nice and thin, but the end is bulbous.  Although you may not agree, it's what I think.  
Second, I hate that I make promises too easily.  I'm not saying that making promises is bad or anything, but I feel like I break them or let them down too much.  Like, I say that I will hang out with someone next Saturday and that I will call them, but instead I hang out with someone else because I forgot.  Most of the time whenever I break a promise it's because I forget.  I have a very forgetful  memory, and that is another thing that I hate about myself.  I mean, I always remember the things that I don't want to, and then forget the important stuff.  

Allow me to elaborate.

I always to approach this?  Let's give an example.  I'm going to bed because of a long day that I had, stressed out about homework and such.  When I am about to turn out my lamp and go to bed, I remember that I have a US History test the next day.  Then I freak out and get stressed out and maybe cry because there is even more things that I need to do, and I would rather have not remembered so I would be able to have a good night's sleep, which is also really bad because then I freak out when I enter the classroom and remember that I have a test.  I wish that I remember the things that I need to do.  

Another thing that I hate is that I am a major procrastinator.  When I babysit on Wednesdays, I always bring my backpack with me so I can do my homework there instead of doing it at 7:00 that night.  I'll think to myself that I need to get everything done, but five minutes later you see me on the computer or reading a book instead of doing the important stuff.  I hate that about me.  I hate that I procrastinate, but then I really have no idea how to prevent myself from doing it.  Ugh.  Just thinking about procrastinating makes me angry because I hate procrastinating because I would much rather get everything done early and have more time doing the things that I like doing, but I end up procrastinating anyway.
I am now really angry.  At least I got this out on "paper"


What the Buns?

Back to reality. I don't want to return to school.  Ugh.
I feel slightly bad because I've neglected this poor post.  Sorry, post.

How many of you like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie?  I actually really hate the books and the movie.  Yeah, some of you may like it, but I really don't.  I feel bad saying it because everyone I know likes it but I don't.  It's rather disgusting and stupid.  Bleh. 
Just saying, that above couple sentences were completely random.  Well, I guess they have some point because my brother and two sisters are watching it right now.

I really wish that I could go to the beach right now.  Feel the warm sand seep between my toes and run towards the ice cold water.  That would be so nice.  The sun is blazing above and the ocean is the perfect temperature.  Why can't Utah be like that?  Why does it have to be so dry?  I always feel surrounded by mountains and that I'm in "Happy Valley."  I'm not saying that I want it to change completely.  Just wishing that I could visit California whenever I wanted.  The humidity is perfect, so your skin is never dry, but it doesn't feel like you are swimming through the air and inhaling water.  The thing that I did wish happen in California every year was to snow on Christmas.  I remember when I was little, waking up excitedly, run downstairs, and press my nose against our glass door to see if it ever snowed.  The results?  Sunny, 70 degrees in the afternoon.  That was the greatest disappointment that I got every year.  But I wasn't like most people in Southern California.  I had seen snow many times because we had a cabin in Central CA and my grandma lived in Sandy, Utah.

A word of advice about the humidity section of that paragraph.  Don't go to Savannah, Georgia when the humidity is 100% and the natural degrees outside is over 90.  Been there, done that.  Miserable.

I've decided that I will leave with a question every time that I finish a post.
Here is the question:
Why do people hate dark chocolate?  I love dark chocolate, but why do most people dislike it?


Jan 16, 2011

These Pockets Are For My Child. I'm A Kangaroo.

Again, I really don't know what to say, but I guess something will come out eventually.

I've noticed that after going back a couple years to see what my entries have been like, I sound overly excited and chipper. I also used the caps button a lot. But in these recent posts, I sound monotone and bored. Reading back on posts just posted a couple days ago, I'm baffled that I sound so annoyed about everything.
Why on Earth do I sound like that?

Something just popped in my head. Janessa has moved to Virginia. And I missed her farewell. I feel so bad! I was invited and everything, but I completely forgot about it. I really hope she updates her blog frequently so I can see what life is like on the East coast.
(PS. The water there is like a bath. It's about 70 degrees. Feels wonderful!)

Another thing. I can't access Heather's blog. It says that there is no such thing. Have I dreamed reading it? Is Heather nonexistent? Is she just a figment of my imagination? Have I been in a coma since I was 8 years old and made up an imaginary world that I will never be able to wake up from? If so, why do I allow myself to go to Physics? Why did my mind invent such a torturous subject? Ha, never mind.
To tell you the truth...I'm really hoping I haven't been in a coma since I was 8. That would be horrid. But, it would mean that I would still be living in California, but I can't decide if that would be good or bad yet.

Since I don't know what I should really type, how about we pull a random question from the Journal Jar!

What was I into when I was a child? (Barbie, My Little Pony, etc.)

Weyell, this is actually a pretty good question. Being an only child for about five years, you would suspect that I was a girly-girl, unimaginative blob of hearts and jewelry. I beg to differ.
I was very imaginative, thank you very much.
First of all, I was totally into Hot Wheels when I was little. I would make up tracks with my blocks and run my little cars along the surface. But, I was slightly girlish. I did play with Barbies and I did play with My Little Pony. I actually only had one My Little Pony, and it was my pride and joy.
How 'bout I tell you a little story about my My Little Pony.

It all began...on a day that my mother was teaching piano. When ever these certain students would come over, they would bring their little sister, Victoria, who was my age over to play. (We were about 5, so Eric was pretty close to coming to our family)
It was just a couple days after Christmas, so I wanted to show off all of my new toys.
"Didja see my Bullseye the horse pillow? I like to pretend to ride it with my cowboy hat. Oh, and my Jessie doll? And my Mic?" (I was a HUGE Toy Story fan when I was little)
"Yeah, yeah," Victoria said, "do ya have anything else to play with?"
I gasped.
"Yes! But we have to be really careful with it. It's reeaaallly special to me and I like it lots," I told her.
"Yeah, yeah," she said again. "Where is it?"
"Over here," I said, and led her to my room. I had cleverly hid my new toy underneath the cushion of my rocking chair in my room. I bustled over and hid the hiding spot with my back and then pulled it out.
When I pulled it out, imagine your brain camera zoomed in on the wondrous object, glistening with a spotlight on it, with sparkles dancing around it, and angels singing, "Aaaahhhh!"in the background.
It was a pale purple My Little Pony with flowing gold hair. It was still in top condition because I didn't play with it. I just liked to look at it. (Ha, not really, I just didn't want to ruin it so I was extremely careful with it)
"Wow!" Victoria bellowed, and lunged for it.
"AH! No!" I said, dancing out of her reach. "We aren't playing with it! This toy is special. I want to take good care of it, but I wanted to be nice and show you." I glared at her.
"I know! We can cut her hair! 'Cause that wouldn't be playing with it," Victoria suggested.
"Are you crazy?! That'll ruin it, Victoria," I shouted.
"Fine," she said bluntly.
I pulled out some Barbies and we began to play with them--after I put the My Little Pony on my dresser.
After a couple of minutes, she got up.
"I need to go to the potty," she announced. "While I'm gone, set up the house for the Barbies."
"Okay," I agreed, and turned my back to the door and promptly started on the Barbie house.
After a couple of minutes without hearing a flush, I got suspicious. Why was Victoria taking so long?
About two minutes later, I started to hear some snipping noises.
I whirled around, and to my horror, I saw Victoria surrounded by plastic gold hair, holding scissors and my My Little Pony doll, the gold hair jutting irregularly from the fake scalp, about a millimeter long.
I screamed, and she jumped, instantly putting the scissors and the pony behind her back.
"Victoria, you stupid girl!" I yelled at her. Tears started to course down my face, and I wrestled with her to get the scissors and the pony back. After triumphantly snatching the doll from her hands, I started to shriek at her.
"I told you not to cut her hair and you did it anyway! You are the meanest, dumbest person ever!!" I screamed through tears.
Victoria bristled and started to defend herself.
"Well you are so boring! You are no fun!" she shouted back.
"Leave my house, Victoria! Right now!" I grabbed her shoulders and literally shoved her out of my room and slammed the door in her defiant face. I slumped to the floor and sobbed, running my fingers over its ugly hair.
I heard Victoria stomp downstairs right when her mom came to pick her up.
"Victoria, why was Elizabeth screaming?" her mother asked.
"Because she's mad at me," said Victoria.
"What did you do?"
"I cut her dolls hair," she said bluntly, unashamed.
"Victoria!" her mom yelled.
I heard a scuffle, and smack, and then a pained yelp.
"I'm so sorry," I heard Victoria's mother say to my mom. "I don't know what she's gotten into. I understand if you are angry."
I heard Victoria cry out again, and then the front door close.
I walked downstairs, holding the pony.
"I'm sorry, Elizabeth," my mom said.
"I never want her over again. Never. Ever!" I yelled.
She never came over again after that.


Jan 10, 2011

Be Still My Heart...Sounds Like Suicide

I was meaning to post yesterday, but it sorta slipped my mind so I'm doing it now. So far, New Years Resolution is a success!
Saturday was a rather eventful day. My mom had left to take Eric to a basketball game and took Laney with her so it was just me and Emma at home. (Dad was at work) About twenty minutes after she left, Emma and I were on Hulu watching all of these behind-the-scenes videos on this TV show that we absolutely adore. (Merlin=best. show. forever. and. ever)
While we were watching the show, suddenly we heard this "Beeeoooooowwwww" noise and then all of the lights and computer screen flickered and then went out completely.
Emma and I sat there in the dark, staring at each other. It was really scary because she and I were home alone with no means of communication to our parents to tell them what happened.

What do you mean?
I mean that we had no way to call our parents.
Yes, yes, we already know that. Don't you have a cell phone?
I know that. It is currently lost. And Eric had a cell phone, too, but we couldn't find it. I'm going back to the story now.

Emma and I just stared at each other. Instantaneously, she and I jumped up and smacked all of the light switches throughout the house to see if any worked. None did. We then decided that now was the right time to find my cell phone. We tore up the entire house but we could not find it. It was ridiculous. We gave up and then walked over to Alison's house. About halfway there, my mom pulled up in her car and we explained everything that happened. After dropping off the kids that she had taken with her, she left again with Laney to go up to University Mall and have dinner with her family to celebrate her birthday. Emma stayed home so she could get ready for a birthday party and I went back over to Alison's.
After a few hours of messing around, we flicked on Biggest Loser and decided to eat some pizza. I laughed at the irony. When we got five minutes into the show, the power went out AGAIN. Since it was about 6:30, it was pitch black in her house, and while I was fumbling around for a light switch, I tripped on her dog. Thankfully I caught myself on the counter (which was sheer luck) and did not die.

I know this post was rather random and quite uneventful (or interesting) but I felt the need to put this on so I would be able to remember it later.


Jan 6, 2011

My Beanie Just Landed on a Ladder

Unfortunately, I don't know what I'm going to write, so I guess something will come to me in a few minutes.
Actually, I am very glad that the semester is about to end. I've managed to get my grades up to my standard. (All A's and a C in Physics, although I'm sure that grade is going to go up again because there are more things we are going to be turning in) but the two things that I can't wait for the classes to get shuffled up in is Geometry and Seminary. You might be thinking, "What? Seminary? But that is the best class ever!" Well, my dear imaginary readers, it may be fine and frolicking-through-the-flowers-dandy for you but for me, let's pretend that a wildfire went through that pretty meadow of flowers you just previously frolicked through.
That may sound pretty pessimistic and extremely over-exaggerated (which it probably is) but I don't really like that class.
I'm not saying I don't like the class, like the subject. I love Seminary. It's the people in my class that aren't spirit-lifters.
"What?" you might ask. "I don't understand."
Allow me to explain.
Those people in Seminary are (from my favorite selections from the Thesaurus) snippy, rude, blasphemous, and/or discourteous.
I choose discourteous.
My teachers is the very quiet and kind type of person. They totally take advantage of that and while he is teaching the lesson they get up from their seats, walk in front of him (they don't even bother to sneak over to the other side of the room), sit on their knees, and start talking to their friends.
It. Drives. Me. Insane.
They don't bother to stay inconspicuous. They do it openly. They walk in front of him.
Oh, he tells them to stop. Do they listen?
What do you think...?
He'll say, "Take your seats, now."
They decide to talk for five more minutes and then sit down.
"Stop talking!"
They say, "But I wasn't talking."
Yeah. Right.
They even leave the classroom without asking. They just get up and leave.
My poor teacher tries to calm them down, start the lesson, and get on with it but they never listen. The spirit is very weak in that room.
I enjoyed 9th grade Seminary more. We got started, everyone was friends, and the spirit was so strong in our classroom. Here, the grades are mixed so we have juniors and seniors in our class, they don't even give us sophomores the time of day, and they act very disrespectful.
I can't wait for next semester. I'm praying for a good class that I can feel the spirit in.
Please. Please.
Geometry is almost the same, except they don't get up and walk around the class room.
In other words, they won't shut up.
I can't concentrate at all. They are always talking and talking and blabbing and yacking and blah-blahing. Ugh! Everyone just be quiet. Just ten minutes of silence, please. That's all I'm asking.
Just an example about how annoying some of the kids in my class are:
My friend had a water bottle in class because she was slightly sick and the water helped her throat feel better. A kid walks by, picks up her water bottle from her desk and drinks out of it. The whole thing.
She had just filled it.
He just picked it up and drank it.
I guess the plan blew up in his face because she was sick and coughing and he just drank from her water bottle without asking.
I think I'm all done venting, now.