Ah, Christmas...
A wonderful time of year. Filled with such joy and spirit and change of heart and attitude. [at least for a day]
Do you know what I find interesting? That whenever Christmas comes around, everyone tries to change. They decide to be nicer, friendlier, happier, but once Christmas is over, there is always that depressing feeling after a couple of days, and people lose the feeling to stay cheerful. They become annoyed and grouchy, and then when New Years comes around, they are like, "I want to act like its Christmas every day." and then it fades away into nothing in a few days.
Why do we do this? Why is it that on Christmas everyone acts so good and kind but when it leaves, everyone goes back to how they were before?
One of my favorite examples of Christmas cheer and 'good will toward men' was during World War I. I don't know if all of you have heard the story, or if some of you haven't, but one time on Christmas, while the German, French, and British were fighting against each other, the Germans created a Christmas truce. They held up makeshift banners and signs saying, "YOU NO FIGHT, WE NO FIGHT". German soldiers also put out miniature Christmas trees lit with candles. English and French responded with banners saying, "MERRY CHRISTMAS". They all got out of their trenches and exchanged gifts of tobacco, newspapers, chocolate cake, postcards, etc. Some people even had some soccer balls, and they started playing a game of soccer.
These soldiers were able to look past the feelings of war. They put aside their differences and stopped fighting, at least for a day. I'm sure that some of those soldiers became friends. They ignored the fact that the next day, they would have to resume killing each other. Can you imagine how painful that would be, making friends with your enemies, and having to kill them a day later?
I love the things that Christmas do to us. I love how everyone acts, how happy and joyful everyone is. It's so fun to see that I still have a little sister [maybe two. I don't know how other sister stands] that still strongly believes in Santa Claus. How happy she was when my mom was wrapping presents in the basement, and my dear sister thought that it was Santa and his elves doing it. She wanted to go in the basement so badly, but she knew she wasn't supposed too.
The only thing that I wish that everyone could do is act like Christmas is every day. Not necessarily giving wrapped presents every day [although that would be nice], but just having the attitude of Christmas.
Of course, we can't forget the true meaning of Christmas, as everyone calls it. We must remember what happened long ago. Whether you believe in this or not, I believe that Jesus came down and was born here on earth for us. I always try to keep that in mind whenever my family on Christmas morning are tearing [literally] through the presents.
Anyway, just to wrap things up, I hope you guys have a very merry Christmas!
As John Lennon says: "A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year/ Let's hope it's a good one without any fears."