
Dec 26, 2010

Oui, Si, Because We Have Eyes

I've decided to start making my post titles much more interesting than just putting down a wrap up of what I type. It is much more open and creative, and it might snare some peoples attention and then they have no idea what they are getting into.
First, Merry Christmas!
Although it isn't spot on Christmas, I think it's pretty close. Perhaps you celebrate Hanuka, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday during this wondrous month? Then: happy holidays!
Sigh...there is no more avoiding the subject.
I've been chewed out.
I need to journal more often.
My seminary teacher tells me to, my mom and dad tell me to, and my Sunday school teachers tell me to, my young women leaders tell me to...too many people. So, I'm going to try writing in my blog more often.
You can get this printed, you know.
Anyway, to help me get along, I have a journal jar that has been tucked away in a corner in my room, gathering dust. I think I'm going to use it.
I'll try to answer at least one question a day or every two days. To remind me, I'll use up a pad of sticky notes, because I love them dearly with all my heart. So the question:

If I could have anything I wanted out of life, what would it be?

This one is difficult for me. There are many things that I would like to look back at and realize how wonderful it really was.

First, I would want to remember all of the promises that I've made and make them happen. I know I've promised many things to people, and sometimes its difficult for me to keep it...and admittedly, I've broken a few. Sometimes they are by accident, and others because I was reluctant to keep. Simple ones, like saying that I would hang out with someone that day, or the next. Difficult ones, like reading my scriptures every day. I would really like to remember everything that I've ever promised and make every one come true.

Second, to be a good friend. I've let down people before, and the guilt is terrible. Its never fun breaking a promise, but letting them down is even more guilt-exploding. There is one certain friend that I've let down a lot, and I feel terrible. She's wonderful, amazing, and I love her a lot, but I've let her down multiple times. I never really realized that I did that until today during my church. I know feel extremely guilty, and I am planning to have a day just for me and her very soon to partially make up all of the let-downs I've given her.

Third, to become a photographer. I know that this one is random, because I was talking about deep stuff above, but it's true. I've never really realized I wanted to be one until a couple months ago. I noticed that I always take my parents camera and take pictures of everything. My parents have been helping me find a good deal on a really nice SLR camera. I've got my eye on one, and I've been saving up for a long time and I have enough money. (It's half off too! Instead of $600 its $300!) I'm planning to take some photography classes to help me get better at what I love doing.

Fourth, I want a dog....or a cat. I've always wanted a dog ever since I was little. I even made a "shrine" on my wall covered in dog pictures and cut out newspaper clippings of dogs that I want and circled them. My parents know that I want it, but my dad says that I'm not responsible enough and he's going to be the one picking up the waste and feeding the dog and paying for it. Even if I don't get a dog, a cat calls for less responsibility. They are independent animals. I just have to change the litter box and brush it. That's not to bad, right? Come on, I can take care of an animal, I promise!

I hope that I will be able to keep at least this promise to myself to blog every day, or at least once a week.


PS, I just got back from a week in California. We went to Legoland, Disneyland, and the beach and saw all of our old friends! I miss you, CA!

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