
May 8, 2008

A Good ,Yet Bad Day at School

Hola mi amigos! I have had a topsy-turvey day today! I have no idea where I should begin at all. Maybe at lunch. Well, it all started after my A3 class. Utah History. Up till then, I had a great time at school, and U.H. was really fun. When the bell rang, I went out into the hall, and walked left-ways to my friend Melia's classroom, which was Math. I quickly spotted her, obviously because she was wearing a tan shirt with blue sweatpants, with her hair pulled up in a half up bun with ringlets. She was also walking with our friend, Cody Buckner. I joined their little pair, and we walked down the hall, being chased by crazy girls. (I am DEAD serious about this!) So we ran down the hallway, me being last (again, obviously) dodging various people. I almost had a smackdown with Melia's *crush*. His name will not be given, due to Melia's pride. They had hid in a little indent where the door to a classroom was, but when I tried to join them, they ran out again, so I slammed into Melia. I had really bad slamming-into-people-in-the-hallway problems today. So we were able to outrun 'em, and Melia and Cody went to the lunchroom, while I went to get my lunchbox in my locker. When I went in the lunchroom, I searched the lines, but couldn't find Melia, until I turned around in and she was right in front of me. Note to self: Remind me to go get laser eyes so I won't be embarrassed when my friends are right in front of my nose and I can't see them. I joined her and we talked, and then this girl named Bailey (who is also our friend) came up, sent her friends away so she could eat lunch with us, and joined me and Melia. Melia said she would be right back, and left me and Bailey talking. When Melia joined us with Cody, we all trooped outside to our usual spot underneath a certain tree. We sat down and dug in with our lunches. Melia always promises me her mashed potatoes if I have something good, because she doesn't like them. She only gets mashed potatoes because that lunch has the best desserts.
"Melia, can I have your mashed potatoes now?" I asked.
"Sure. Do you have any of those Yogo roller thingies?" she replied.
"No, but I have some Cheetos. You can have them."
"Okay," she said and scooched her tray over so I could eat her potatoes.
"Wow Liz....zy! Your like a pig today!" Cody exclaimed.
"So," I shot back, and started eating the potatoes again. Our conversation turned from pigs, to Suessical the Musical. I remembered when I went to go see our friend, McKena's production of Suessical, and I brought it up.
"I'm kinda glad that McKena didn't get the part...." I said. (Okay, I don't officially remember how this part went, so I'll try my best)
"She seemed to young," Melia agreed. We kept talking about Suessical and we sang some of their songs. Bailey was quiet the whole lunch.
"Bailey, what's wrong?" Melia asked.
"I'm fine," she said, and started picking at her gravy. When the bell rang, Bailey yelped, "Oh, CRAP! The bell!" and we ran inside. After school, Melia came on our bus (she goes on a different bus but her parents are in Hawaii, so she gets to go home with a different friend) and sat by me. "Lizzy, I have something to tell you," she said when the bus started.
"Okay, shoot," I said. Melia reminded me of our lunch, and got to the part when she, Cody, McKena, and Bailey were in English while I was in Math.
"Well, Bailey--"
"Started to cry!" I said dangerously.
"How do you know?" Melia asked.
"I guessed," I said sheepishly.
"Well, anyway, Bailey told McKena all that you said about her, except she said it worse (I think that's what Melia said....). So now McKena is mad at you. I stood up for you and told her that I have known you for 2-3 years, and that you've only gossiped 5 times at the most. That made Bailey get mad at me and you." Sheesh! When I got home, I was able to go and babysit and play this magic game with the babysat, Whitney and her sister who I just forgot who her name is, and Whitney's friend, Holly. They had this really nice princess dress, but it was too big for all of them, so I tried it on and it fitted me perfectly. I was happy. We ran outside wearing our dresses, and played until her mom called, saying that she would be coming home in 20 minutes. That babysitting job cheered me up!
Well, Ciao for now!
P.S. I solved the problem with McKena! It is May 12, 2008 at 4:46 pm.

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