
Dec 8, 2009

Cute, Cold, and Crazy!

I know.
This is posted AFTER Christmas, but who cares? Just pretend that this is December 7th....

I have to leave in exactly SIX minutes before I have to walk outside, pick up my friend, Chase, and walk to the bus stop in the f-f-f-FREEZING cold weather!
I even went outside earlier this morning and shoveled!
What a good girl I am!
I better be on the nice list...
Anyhoo, yesterday, I tied a jump rope to a sled, stuck my cute little three-year-old sister on it (dressed in snowclothes, of course) and my cute little seven-year-old sister on it as well, and pulled them to a sledding hill in our neighborhood!
It was a blast!
We only went on the small hills so Elena and Emma could enjoy themselves, but it was fun all the same.
(Oh yeah! I totally forgot! IT SNOWED YESTERDAY!!! THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR.....kinda)
Well, we had fun, until Laney started freaking out because she got snow in her face, so I took plopped her on the sled, and pulled her home.
But, alas.
Tragedy struck.
It could not be avoided.
Laney had to go to the bathroom.
All that was close was a Port-A-Potty, so we went inside. I didn't want to take her inside an icy Port-A-Potty, and I will admit, I was a bit snappy with her--which made things worse. Bad Lizzy!--and she started crying and said that she could hold it.
Good girl, Laney!
And then, the sun came out! Not literally though.
My mom drove up and picked us up! :]
Go, Mom!
(I'm sorry, Laney)
We climbed inside and all was well.
Glub glub.
Don't ask where that came from.
Cause I don't know.
Kay, well, bye!
Ciao for now!


Nov 26, 2009

THANKSGIVING!!!! My All Time Favorite Holiday! :]

Hey there!
Okay, well, I uploaded tons of pictures for you guys, but the bad thing is, they are in backwards order! So, If you want to see it in the correct way, you have to scroll to the bottom of the post and look at them that way.
And, the captions to the pictures are at the bottom of the picture. It makes sense.
So, enjoy! :)
PS, there are videos too. But just of the girls dancing. And in the videos, you can't hear the music because we were playing Taboo during the dancing, so you just hear us in the background. Sorry!

More Dancing!

The little girls treated us to a lovely dance at the end of the day.

Top row: Dad and Elena
Bottom row: Auntie Karyl and Ramona (Karyl's friend)

Apples to Apples!

Taboo again!

Game time! Taboo!

Emma's and my work of art

The yummy Apple Juice/7Up/Sunkist punch

Chocolate Mousse pie! Reserved especially for moi!

Lemon Meringue pie.

Finished Pumpkin Pie! (We made three of them! :])

Finished Apple Tart!

The table is getting set.

The finished turkey! Oh, that was sooooo gooooood!

Getting ready!

My hand separating the seeds from the pomegranate.

Making the Apple Tart!

Oh, aren't they so cute?!

Okay, well, I think that's pretty much it!
Happy Thanksgiving - One day late - to you!

Eric's Birthday!

Okay, okay...
I admit it.
I am WAAAAY behind.
But at least I'm catching up!
Heh heh....
Alright, well, Eric had his birthday on November 5th (Yes, I know it was a while ago, there's no need to rub it in) so I decided to upload the pictures of the birthday party, and then have a new post about THANKSGIVING!
Well, we went to Fat Cats for Eric's bowling party, and I LOST!!! I got the worst score out of the family, but I have one thing in my defense.
It was the first time I've played without the bumpers.
So, I failed because of it.
I'm sorry!
To make it up to you, look at the pictures.
It'll make you feel better.

I hope you liked them. And the picture above: No, the ball is NOT floating in the air. She has one of those track things that the kids get to push the ball off of. Repeat, the ball is NOT in the air!


Nov 24, 2009

Haha, I Can't Believe I Did This

You might not believe it, but I created another blog.
What can I say?
Its called ElizabethJohnson Photography. (No space between Elizabeth and Johnson)
I know...
But I had too!
To visit it, click here!
Or, look at the sidebar, scroll down, and go to the thing titled: My Favorite Blogs and Websites! A link will be there as well.

New Poem!

I just wrote a new poem on my poetry blog!

Check it out!

Its called, "Clean Again"

There are other poems on there too!

Don't know the address?

Just click here!



The Grand Wrap-Up of Craziness...or TGW-UOC

Guten Tag!
I can't believe it!
Alright, well, there's a LOT to say!
I don't know where to begin!
Well, I do, but....never mind.
First of all I saw...

BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM! (If you know me well enough, you've heard me say/sing this with my own actions. I do it in French class a lot)



Use your noggin!

Okay, well I'm going to tell you now.


It is now my ALL time favorite movie EVER!
It is SO funny!
Spray on shoes...
*snort* *giggle* *cracks ribs by laughing so hard*
And Steve....gummy bears...hehe!

Okay, I also started school about three months ago... hem hem.

Schedule time!

A1 - Biology (I do not like that class....too boring)
A2 - Concert Singers! (Yay-yuh! I like, no, LOVE , that class!)
A3 - Seminary (Who doesn't like seminary?)
A4 - Algebra 1 (YUCK!)
B1 - Geography (Meh, I've had better)
B2 - French (Our teacher is more of a friend than teacher)
B3 - English (I LOVE Mrs. Kelson! She's awesome!)
B4 - TA! (For Miss Ogden. The best science teacher ever!)

Last Friday I saw NEW MOON!!! Chyah, I know!
Its was AMAZING! Twilight absolutely bugged me! Like crazy!

Reasons why I didn't like Twilight the Movie:

  • The tint in the movie was blue
  • Edward's chest is hairy (bleh!)
  • The tint in the movie was blue
  • When Edward is sparkley it makes fairy tinkley noises
  • And the tint in the movie was blue

You can tell which one I like the least.

Anyway, Taylor Lautner makes my day! He was so cute in Sharkboy and Lavagirl, but as Jacob, PHEW! He is smokin'! Edward can just die and Bella should dump the vampire and marry Jacob. There, I just summarized what should happen in the books/movies. You're welcome.

Anyhoo, I basically just gift-wrapped about three months. :]

So, I'll talk to you later!

Oh, wait! Hold the phone!


Eat the turkey!

And mashed potatoes!

With gravy!

And rolls!


If angels were here, they would be singing, "HALLELUJAH!!"




I feel like typing in italics and bolded letters now.



Nov 23, 2009

Gah! Substitute! :P


Okay, you are probably thinking, "Sheesh, Lizzy, its probably not even that important! Why are you ripping your hair out?"
Well, I'll tell you why!

Alright, I was really bored yesterday, told my mom (which was a mistake), and she said, "Do your homework!" Grumbling, and with nothing else to keep me entertained, I did it.
I stayed up until, like, 10:00 PM!!! (PM!!!) working on my two essay's and a powerpoint that was due today!
Having to dress up in church clothes today, I had to present my powerpoint and essay in front of the class. If I didn't dress up, then I got docked points. Well, I walked in the classroom, and you wouldn't believe what I saw sitting at the desk.
Go on, guess.
Didja guess?
That's right!
I was so mad!
I asked her if I had to present, and she said...
Say what?
I stayed up until 10:00 working on this project, and I didn't even have to do it?
Come again?
I dressed up in this skirt and shirt, expecting to talk in front of the class, and I don't have to do it?
Say huh?
That's what I'm talking about!
I'm sure that has (sometime in your life, and if not, it will happen my friends. You have been warned) happened to you all, but, I was just about to have a heart attack right there.
You know what I'm saying?
Now you're thinking, "Sheesh, Lizzy, getting worked up over one little thing! Lighten up!"
I won't!
This didn't happen to you, dear friend!
I will get worked up, and I will vent my anger out on this keyboard, and I will type ferociously, like there's no tomorrow!
Thank you!
Heh heh, and thanks for listening to me yell at the screen.
Gotta go!
I fell loads better now, now that I was able to type this out.

Nov 22, 2009

Haha, sorry!

Sorry about the font size down there at the "Hullo! (Tee-hee)" post. I have NO idea what's going on, and I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. I hope you out there can still read it, even though its easier to read because its bigger....

Hullo! (Tee-Hee)

Hey there.
Don't ask me about the title to this post, I just felt like putting something random in. Randomness helps your wrinkles go away! Don't ask how I know that.
It is currently 1:08 pm, and I am BORED!
Good heavens!
Anyway, I am SO sad! (and BORED!)(I think you get the picture?)
Sadie's grandparents are coming home tomorrow (Monday) and so she MOVED!

I still can't believe it! She just moved across Canyon Road into the Town Homes (I helped her move out and in. I think I annoy her parents) and stayed at her house all day, but still! Its so weird because she's not in our ward anymore. I normally walk to class today, and I stood up, waiting for her to come to our bench (church) and then realized SHE WOULDN'T COME! My dad said, "Aw. You have no friends." Thanks for uplifting my self-esteem, dad.
Also, there was Halloween, and I was a bee. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. :]
I went to a really fun (haha, NOT!) dance yesterday at Sadie's school with her friend, Maddie. It was a fundraiser for Sadie's cheer squad, and it FAILED! It was really sad, because Sadie was really excited about it, and like, no one showed up. We left after the first half-hour.
Then we went to Walmart! :]
So many adventures.
Heh heh.
I bought MAN-PANTS!
You probably don't know what MAN-PANTS are, do you?
Well, you get them in the Men's Section.
They are pants.
Well, really sweat pants.
They are HUGE and really comfy!
And they're only $5!
(They were on sale!)
They are by Fruit on the Loom.
And they're fleecy!
If angels were here, they would be singing "Hallelujah!"
I'm wearing them right now.
They make me happy.
Well, I have to work on one of my essays for Geography, so I'll PTYL.
That means, "Post To You Later".
I made it up.

Oct 24, 2009


Hannah and Mia

Hannah and Mia

Hannah going down

Haha, I biffed!

Me and Melia! :)

Eric snowboarding on a sled


Melia about to fall off! :)

Yup, will this is half of my sledding adventure pictures. I'll try to add more as soon as I can, my computer is getting REALLY slow!
PS, this was a draft from a while ago.
♥ you all!

Oct 17, 2009

Odd Phobias

Hey there!
I thought that for the occasion (Halloween!!!) I would post some pretty outrageous phobias, or fears. They make me laugh! Go ahead and check them out!

Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing
Aerophobia- Fear of swallowing air
Ambulophobia- Fear of walking
Anablephobia- Fear of looking up
Anemophobia- Fear of wind
Anthrophobia- Fear of flowers
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof ofthe mouth.
Arithmophobia- Fear of numbers
Aulophobia- Fear of flutes
Auroraphobia- Fear of Northern Lights

Barophobia- Fear of gravity
Basophobia- Fear of walking
Batophobia- Fear of being close to high buildings
Bibliophobia- Fear of books
Blennophobia- Fear of slime
Bogyphobia- Fear of the bogeyman

Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting
Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors
Chaetophobia- Fear of hair
Chionophobia- Fear of snow
Chromatophobia- Fear of colors
Chronophobia- Fear of time
Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks
Cibophobia- Fear of food
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed
Cnidophobia- Fear of string

Deciophobia- Fear of making decisions
Dendrophobia- Fear of trees
Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of school

Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors
Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom
Eosophobia- Fear of daylight
Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge
Ergophobia- Fear of work
Ereuthophobia- Fear of the color red

Geliophobia- Fear of laughter
Geniophobia- Fear of chins
Genuphobia- Fear of knees
Geumaphobia- Fear of taste
Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge
Graphophobia- Fear of writing

Heliophobia- Fear of the sun
Helmintophobia- Fear of being infested with worms
Hemophobia- Fear of blood
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words
Homichlophobia- Fear of fog
Hypnophobia- Fear of sleep

Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish
Ideophobia- Fear of ideas

Kainophobia- Fear of anything new
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down

Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables
Leukophobia- Fear of the color white
Levophobia- Fear of objects to the left side of the body
Linonophobia- Fear of string
Logophobia- Fear of words

Melanophobia- Fear of the color black
Melophobia- Fear of music
Metrophobia- Fear of poetry
Mnemophobia- Fear of memories
Mottephobia- Fear of moths

Nebulaphobia- Fear of fog
Neophobia- Fear of anything new
Nephophobia- Fear of clouds
Nomatophobia- Fear of names

Octophobia- Fear of the number 8
Ommetaphobia- Fear of eyes
Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams
Ophthalmophobia- Fear of opening one’s eyes
Ostraconophobia- Fear of shellfish

Panophobia- Fear of everything
Papyrophobia- Fear of paper
Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th
Peladophobia- Fear of bald people
Phengophobia- Fear of daylight
Phobophobia- Fear of fear
Photophobia- Fear of light
Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking
Pogonophobia- Fear of beards

Sciophobia- Fear of shadows
Scolionophobia- Fear of school
Selenophobia- Fear of the moon
Siderophobia- Fear of stars
Sitophobia- Fear of food
Sophophobia- Fear of learning
Stasibasiphobia- Fear of walking

Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting
Trichopathophobia- Fear of hair
Triskadekaphobia- Fear of the number 13

Verbophobia- Fear of words

Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow

Haha! I love em!

Aug 31, 2009

Hee Hee

Two days ago it was Janessa's Surprise party. It was a blast. I think the very best part was the beginning. I was late to the party, and had just barely (like, thirty seconds before we shouted SURPRISE!!!) made it. Everyone was hiding on the foot of the hill and I couldn't see them. Fifty heads just suddenly popped up out of nowhere and started shouting,
"Lizzy! Come on! RUN!"
I was freaking out, afraid I would ruin the party for everyone so I just said,
"Um, I'll just stay right here!"
"Run!! Come on!" they shouted back.
"I'm scared I'll ruin it!" I was outrageously stubborn.
"Just come on!"
"ACK! Okay!" I shouted and ran across the street (I didn't check for cars. I'm a rebel)
I was running down the hill in my flip-flops, when my feet slipped out from underneath me and I completely fell on my butt and slid all the way down. I rolled over on my stomach, gasping for air and laughing so hard. My friend Kaylah grabbed my feet and pulled me down out of sight, just barely in time for us to jump up SURPRISE!!!!
I was a little late. :D
What can I say?
We then played Ultimate Ninja Destruction (Lizzie's favorite game ever) and I was in the top four. Yay me! I normally stink at that game.
We played over and over again until Lizzie was satisfied. We played a couple more games and then watched the Princess Bride. Best movie EVER!!!
I think the cake was the best part. I also was taking lemonade down to Kaylah and for myself and on the way down from the hill I slipped and slopped lemonade down my front. I had to go back up the hill and got some more. Thankfully, I didn't spill this time.
I had a blast at the party, and was extremely put out when it was over.
Well, gotta go!
Ciao for now!

Jun 1, 2009

Two Things

My two things are: (drum roll please!)

1. I have a poetry blog! I enjoy writing poetry, and in my Creative Writing class, it was my favorite unit that we went through. Go check it out. The address link is this little piece of lettering that has absolutely no point unless you click on it. Click on it. I dare you.

2. I am terrible at blogging. I will hopefully get rid of ALL of my drafts, unless they are pointless and I forget what I was writing about and blog more often. I have a busy summer ahead of me, I promise!

Well, dub a dee dub a dee dub a that's all, folks!

My Yearbook Pics

Kaylah smiling and Jeralyn not wanting to smile but I made her anyway.

Me and Janessa. Its blurry.

Checking out the yearbook.

Checking out the yearbook again.

Janessa's signature!

Macquel didn't want her picture taken.

Janessa and Jessi.

Cover of our yearbook.

McKena. She wasn't amused when I took her picture.

Melia, Julie and Janessa. JANESSA!

Me and Mel!

Me and Sage!

Me and Julie!

Kaylah posing for her picture.

Jeralyn laughing. I always get her at the wrong times!

Kaylah being weird.

Me not ready for a picture!

Jeralyn sitting pretty.

Reading the yearbook.

Reading the yearbook again.

That is a picture I took of a picture. Kaylah and Sarah!

That's Jeralyn. She was laughing.

She didn't want me to take a picture. Too bad! :D

That's me and Kaylah. Sigh. Good times.

That is a boy named Joe. Jeralyn took the camera from me.

Okay, well this isn't even half of them, so I'll upload them later. My computer is broken (the kids one) so we are trying to fix it a fast as we can. So my picture uploading is currently delayed. I'll try to get back to it as soon as I can.