
Feb 26, 2009

Fear Factor....Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn

(Finished Draft)
As you all know, I have mutual on Wednesday at 7:00 pm every week. And also, as you know, Sadie happens to be our Beehive President. And last night, the thing that we did was......FEAR FACTOR!!!! It was so gross! Sadie, Chase, and I put black markings underneath our eyes. We looked like football players.

1st Fear Factor:
We had to draw pictures in pudding. Sound gross? It wasn't. I licked my fingers when it was over. It was chocolate. Yum. It was like church Pictionary in chocolate pudding! My team won this one!

2nd Fear Factor:
We had to chew minty gum and then put a lemon slice in our mouth. That was great. All of us just sat there, waiting for something to happen. The lemon was yummy! The leaders were angry because their challenge wasn't working out! When my friend McKinzie in Laurels did it, (she was the president) she spat the lemon out and screamed "Why is this not working for you? It is REALLY sour!" It wasn't sour at all! My team won that one too!

3rd Fear Factor:
We had to stick our hands in a strange concoction that had peas, corn, spaghetti, tomato juice, colored marshmallows, and other random stuff in it. When my friends and I put our hands inside, it was boiling hot. We screamed and pulled our hands out right away! Apparently, the leaders had just taken it off of the stove. OUCH! They poured a giant bag of ice in it, and then we were fine. We had to get marbles out of the pot and put them in a cup. Who ever had the most marbles in their cup, won! My team one that one!

4th Fear Factor:
Eating doughnuts off of a string. I hated the doughnuts they had, so I had to grin and bear it. It was a fear factor for me! Everyone else was horking theirs down, but I was suffering! It was terrible. The glaze even got in my eye! And I was wearing my glasses! I don't know how that worked.

Well, that was quite and adventure!
Ciao for Now!

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