
Feb 24, 2009


I am all about the things. Things of what? you might ask. Well I'll tell you. Things as in everything!
Emma had her birthday a couple days ago, and she got a pink Barbie scooter, and we ride it around the house nonstop.
HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!! Do you know what that means? I don't know the real thing for the holiday, but I know it gets translated into Fat Tuesday. I think you eat a lot. :)
I am a follower of Lizzie, so I must answer all of the tagging questions as follows:

How old are you?
I am an awesome thirteen year old, soon to be fourteen in a couple months.
What grade are you in? El numero ocho.
Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite gender? (My regards to Lizzie for the use of the word gender) My daddy. And brother. He didn't like it. :)
What was the last song you listened to? Uhhh...
What is your favorite food? I don't really know. Oh, yes I do! Scrambled eggs.
What is your favorite color? ORANGE!! Orange just happens to be the awesomest color on the rainbow. Hello? It basically means happy! And hyper. It just seems like a hyper color. If anyone out there who despises orange, I officially shun you from the orangy excistance.
What is your favorite breakfast cereal? Um, Raisin Bran and Oatmeal Squares.
Are you a Beehive, Mia Maid, Laurel, Deacon, Teacher or Preist? Soon to be Mia Maid. The deacons in my ward are blockheads. I don't like them...mean.
Are you clean or messy? If Lizzie saw my room right now, I think she would faint. But I'm not normally like that. I just hate cleaning.
Are you nice or mean? (That my friends, is called good grammar!) Nice! :D
What are your best memories? All of my Girls Camp experiences. We got so much closer! Haha....Testimony Meeting....heehee.
How many times have you moved in your life? Uh, lets see...five times!!
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mom, an author, and/or a photographer!
If you could have three wishes, what would they be? I agree with Lizzie about the 'no pain' subject. Also, to be a successful photographer, and to never be sad. Lets look on the bright side of life, people!

That was fun!
I am currently reading a book called 'Vampire Diaries' which I borrowed from Sadie.
I have decided that I want to take a walk, but it is too cold outside.
I am sad. I don't think I can go to EFY!!! Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice the amazing ammounts of exclamation points!
We are having scrambled eggs for dinner. Yay!
I am doing pretty good in school. I have a 3.6, but that is because I am missing some stuffs in health. I can get my 3.7 though!
I like this quote that C.S. Lewis said. It goes: Be careful on your choice of words. Don't say 'infinite' when you mean 'very', or else you won't have a word to describe something really infinite. Very clever.
I like Roald Dahl books. Where did that come from?
Alright, well, I think I am going to be done with the random talking.
Ciao for now!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

You did it!
You actually did it!
Nobody else did it!
I like your answers! Except the "messy or clean" one. Is your room clean NOW? 'Cuz I know where you live.
Thank you for being so understanding about the whole "gender" thing. It's great to know that I have friends that will respect my fears.
I agree with orange and I think it is a wonderful word to describe you. Lizzy the Orange Teenager.
Scrambled eggs, huh? There wouldn't happen to be cheese in them, right?
You're such a fun person, Lizzy!

See you in english!