
Feb 13, 2009

Friday the Thirteenth. Elena's Birthday!

Are you superstitious? I'm not. I know that is the lamest question to start with at the beginning of a post, but, oh well. Today is my little sister, Elena's, birthday! She is so cute with all of the presents. The little party hasn't started yet, but, we will get to it sooner or later.
It was so cute when I went downstairs to wrap three of Lanie's presents, and Emma was coming with me. When I was halfway down the stairs, Lanie announced:
"I am going to go downstairs and wrap my presents with Lizzy in the basement!"
My dad told her that she can't help wrap her own presents, because then they wouldn't be a surprise and she wouldn't be as happy. When she heard the words, 'You can't help wrap presents,' she burst into tears and started sobbing into the couch. It was so cute!
Elena has also been into knock knock jokes. She is so funny. This is one that she just said recently with our grandma:
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Banana who?"
"Ha ha ha! Isn't that funny, grandma?"
That is so cute! I've noticed I've been saying 'cute' a lot, but there really isn't another word to say that describes how she is!
I went to the Black Light Dance today, and it was okay, I guess. I've noticed that our dances aren't really very much in the 'decorating' area. We just have some speakers in a corner of the gym and have some small flashing rainbow lights. And then we had two black lights that only shone about three feet in front of them. It was pretty pathetic... But at least I still had some fun. I can dance okay, but Melia is flippin' awesome! She takes cheer, so she is better then most people.

Funny Elena Moment Time!

Lanie's favorite show is Peter 'Man'.
Elena will only go to bed if you call her 'Baby Cougar'.
She calls herself "Elena called Lanie".
If she has a tiny pee inside her diaper, she will freak out and yell at you to change her.
She pretends she's a princess and moves really weird when she is. I think she's trying to act royal. She leans on one leg and waves her arms around.
She calls my dad's mom 'black grandma' and my mom's mom 'white grandma'.
She is afraid of every singe relative except for her family that she see's the most. AKA Grandma's and Aunties.
When she saw my cousin, Sam, (who is going on his mission to the Ivory Coast) for the first time, she buried her face in my mom's lap and said that he was 'a scary man and I never want to see him again'.
Elena pretends she is Alice in Wonderland and runs around the house trying to find the white rabbit.
A couple days ago, Lanie was wearing a dress, and no leggings underneath, so my mom said, 'You have bare legs! You must be cold!' and Lanie retorted, 'I am not a bear!!'

I know I have been changing my blog background constantly, and I'm going to change it again in March! I just need something to do whenever I go on, besides post, of course! So, be prepared for drastic changes every month, or more!

Well, time to eat!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Ha, ha.