
May 3, 2012


You know, I seem to be coming to this blog blindly.

I'm sure that there are many of you out there who think and plan their posts meticulously, leaving no sentence or word forgotten. Making sure that everything is to the point, with the right amount of humor, seriousness, and poetic thought.

I read a lot of blogs that are like poetry.

Maybe you have a theme.  Wednesday is a new recipe, while Friday is a new list of your favorite things to keep you thinking positively.  Monday focuses on one thing that made you happy that day, because you hate Mondays.

I, on the other hand, come into this blog blindly.

Posting is random, my posts are random, and I don't have themes.  I don't think about what I'm going to say.  I just write down what comes to mind.  There is no strict schedule that I follow.  I don't post recipes on Wednesday, lists on Friday, and one thing that made me happy on Monday.

I just post.

When I go back on my posts, I think about what I said.  It's mostly just random crap that I have to sort through, and even then, I don't even know what I was trying to say half the time.  I just write.  Write write write write write.  My fingers move by themselves, and I go on the spur of the moment. 

I don't know where I get my ideas.

My brain just throws out things to say and my fingers willingly type them on this random blog.  My brain controls my fingers, and my heart controls my brain.  And now the theme of passion and love has forced its way into this blog post.  Great.

I think I'm going to end this post now.

PS.  That blog post was, I guess, slightly poetic.  I promise I didn't plan every word meticulously, making sure I left no detail behind.
It just happened.

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