
May 31, 2008

My Mother 2

I am so sad! My mom is gone! No, she didn't die. Thankfully. She's just on a trip, and she left us here to fend for ourselves. Yes, I am being a little sarcastic. :D Heh heh. She left yesterday. She's out at Park City right now, staying in a hotel. And I'm calling her right now, because somebody called for her, but I said she was unavailabale. Then I had to call my mom to let her know that somebody called for her and yeah. Anyway, my mom left yesterday with her college roommates. They have a get together every year, or month, or whatever, and right now, they are celebrating it right now. I feel so lonely with out my mom. It just seems, empty. Do you ever have that feeling, my dear readers? I miss my mom so much. Well, on the bright side, she's coming back tomorrow morning! Sigh. I still miss her. That bright side didn't help that much. If any of you could send an email, and tell me everything is going to be okay, then please, do! I'm just kidding. You don't have to! Humor can come in random places, I've just noticed.
Well, ciao for now!

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