Dec 26, 2010
Oui, Si, Because We Have Eyes
Dec 6, 2010
About Me. About You.
I believe life is a book, a blank canvas, a waiting camera.
This life is your story. Write your tale down, paint the canvas, take the pictures you need to keep.
Don’t do what other people do. Don’t copy their story, their painting, their photograph. This. Is. Yours.
So what are you going to do?
Will you make the story dull? Will you keep the canvas blank? Will the photograph stay black and white?
Live life to the fullest. Add those splashes of color that make up you. You, yourself.
Do the things worth living so life can be worth while.
Sure, the book can fall apart, the canvas can get tattered and the photograph ruined. But the question is, will you keep it that way?
Those small blemishes are the mistakes you make. Will you let the holes get bigger, or will you patch them up with something even better than the original creation?
This is what I try to do. I imagine my canvas, my book, my photograph colorful, random, wild, and me. Of course, my items are patched and ruined in some places, but I’m not going to leave them like that. I’m going fix them, mend them, recreate them. The colors may fade, pages may fall out, the photograph can become ruined.
Keep track of yourself. Decide now what you want to be. Don’t worry about what the other person thinks.
The greatest opinion of yourself is your own. What the other people think of you shouldn’t matter.
You are you and you are beautiful. Don’t be ashamed of you who are. You are special in your own wonderful way.
Nobody’s perfect.
Be the best that you can be.
Not the best that someone else is.
And I am me, myself, and I.
Oct 10, 2010
2 Things
10/10/10!! WOOT! :)
Anywho, that was the thing that made me happy today! 10/10/10. And the fact that we don't have to be at school on this wondrous day!
El numero dos:
Our ward split! :( Our primary was so big, and we had so many people in our ward, I'm officially not a part of the Cedar Hills 13th ward. I am now apart of the Cedar Hills 17th ward! Oh well, at least one of my friends came to the new ward with me. But my other BESTEST friend ever is in the other ward! I'm gonna miss you, Ashley!
I've decided to post some of my really old photos from when I was an itsy bitsy child. Prepare yourselves!
Oct 7, 2010
I'm taking ballet.
And I'm sorry, but I really don't like it that much, but I don't want to quit because that's what I did last time when I was little and I really regretted it. So I'm going to stay in it for a while and see if my dislike turns to like. :P
I always go to ballet all happy and chipper and come back really depressed and in a bad mood. I feel like I don't know anything and it makes me feel really stupid in the class. My teacher is telling me about all of this natural talent I have, but none of it is showing (at least to me). I suck at pirouettes, my ronde de jambe's are terrible, and my hip is constantly popping when I lift my leg. I don't feel very...graceful.
Thanks for reading me vent.
Much appreciated.
Sep 10, 2010
Make Me Smile
Just something to brighten your day!
This morning I was trying to find one of my shoes. I was looking under my bed and could not find it. I turned around and saw my small dufflebag lying on the floor. Getting a spout of genius, I walked over (on my knees. Key word is knees) and there was a pillow lying in my path. I shuffled over and put my knee on the pillow. For some unfathomable reason, the pillow slipped out from underneath me and I fell flat on my face. The best part was, is that my little sister was reading in the hallway, and she heard a thump, me shouting, and then a huge thunk. When she poked her head in my room she saw I was lying on my stomach with my face in the carpet laughing really hard. She just blinked and slowly backed out of my room.
Sep 8, 2010
Peace out,
Love always,
Aug 9, 2010
Jump On It
"Dad, are we doing anything this weekend?"
"I don't know," he replied.
"Yes we are!' Eric jumped in. "We are going on It!"
"Yeah, Jump on It!" Emma crowed.
Laney, apparently immersed turning a lamp on and off, looked up, completely bewildered, and asked with extreme innocence and cuteness: "Jump on what?"
Aug 1, 2010
Another Thing I Have to Write Down
"Doesn't the food go through the umbilical cord to the baby?"
"Actually, it's blood," my mom said, "the nutrients are in the blood so, the mom and baby share the blood to get food."
I did a huge theater gasp. "GAH! VAMPIIIIIRE!!!"
My mom and dad stared at me for about ten seconds, and we all started laughing like crazy. Yeah, I know I'm special. :)
Worth Writing Down
My mom and Laney were talking with me listening.
"Maybe we should go visit and feed the ducks at the duck pond tomorrow," my mom suggested.
"Yeah! Do you know where it is?" Laney asked.
"It's right behind the high school. Lizzy's new school!"
I groaned.
Laney gasped. "Lizzy's going to be in... High School Musical?" (It's in italics not because it's a movie or whatever, it's because she said it really surprised and kinda hushed.)
Good to know that Laney knows more about the media than the truth! Love you, Laney!
Loss for Words
My friend, Heather, just spoke something really deep. I didn't know she had that in there. The empty sorry's, the meaningless words. She truly is spectacular. I look up to you, Heather!
I have some stuff to say. It might not be as amazing as Heather's seriousness, but it's good enough. I just barely got back from Girls Camp, and it was one of the most strongest times I've felt of the spirit in my life. That night before I left for Girls Camp, my mom told me some news that she was dreading. My sister was getting surgery in her mouth because she had a lot of cavities. My sweet, innocent, cute, four year old baby sister was getting surgery. And they weren't even--I guess you could say, "putting her under--all the way so she would still be conscious. I was terrified. I wasn't going to be there for her. I felt guilty for leaving and not helping her get through the scary experience and giving her hugs and kisses and letting her know it will be okay. I felt like I was abandoning her. I seriously considered skipping the second day of Girls Camp just to be there for her. So I locked myself in my room and I prayed. I prayed harder than I ever had in my life, just for my baby sister. I was scared. When I first started the prayer I started to cry because I was so nervous and scared. The most terrifying part of it all was that she didn't even know. She didn't know that people would be going into her mouth, that she would have to get IV's, and she especially didn't know that her big sister, me, and her mom were not even going to be there because we were going to Girls Camp. I was sobbing in the prayer. I begged my Heavenly Father that He would bless her that she would not be scared or nervous, and that the surgery would go well. I almost didn't think twice about blessing myself to be safe at Girls Camp because my thoughts were specifically on her. I cried out, and I poured my faith into Jesus. I had the faith that she would be okay, so I knew she would. But I still prayed hard. By the time I was finished, the Spirit filled me up so full that I felt like I could fly. I felt weightless; as if a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders. I still didn't stop crying, though. I was crying because I was happy. I knew that she would be okay, and I stopped worrying. I seriously went to bed with tears streaming down my face and smiling my head off. She was going to be okay, and I knew it. At Girls Camp when it was testimony meeting, I stood up. My knees were knocking, I was so scared. After my first five words I was already bawling because I bore my testimony on Laney and her surgery and how my prayer was one--no, the strongest--I've ever done. I felt the Spirit engulf me, and it came out as tears during that fire-light night. By the time I was finished with my testimony, I felt so happy and warm inside. And when I got home, Elena was fine. She was happy to see me, and even showed me the puppy dog Band-Aides the "nice doctor gave me!" I knew that she was in good hands.
Jul 19, 2010
What to Do
So, for family night we are most likely going to a rodeo. I don't wanna go! My mom called my grandparents because they are the ranchy/rodeo type of people, and when my mom hung up the phone, I said:
"I don't wanna go to a rodeo where I watch horses trample people and bulls sitting on them, too!"
I admit it, I'm a pessimist! :)
Jun 6, 2010
I was reading Lizzie's blog today, and I saw I was QUOTED!
On her famous Quote of Today segment at the end of each post.
Although it was a while ago when she posted it, and I was a slacker and haven't seen her blog in a while, I am still quoted right there!
You wanna see what I said?
"She doesn't have to die, she could just SUFFER!!!"
I said it at lunch time.
Okay, so anyways, the title says Vacation! so I should probably get to the point now.
I'm in Georgia!
(the state, not the country)
Yep, that's right!
Okay, yesterday was 88 degrees, 76% humidity.
Talk about death!
It was torture!!
My parents were insistent about wandering around the City Market in Savannah, and wouldn't really let us go inside the shops where it was air conditioned.
They also made us go on the Trolley Ride Tours there, too. It was fun...there were no windows so when the trolley moved we got blasted by cool air, but then I found out the tour was 80 minutes, in a no-air-conditioned-trolley-in-88-degree-weather tour. That was not the fun part.
Laney was sweating so much, she could've watered flowers!
Oh well. What's done is done.
I have to tell you a story
Story Time!
My fam had to ride on two planes to get to Savannah, Georgia.
From Salt Lake airport to Atlanta Airport. Change planes. Atlanta Airport to Savannah Airport.
Apparently there is no one flight ride from Salt Lake to Savannah.
Eh, oh well.
So we left at 2:00 pm in Salt Lake.
The flight was 3 hours and 5 minutes.
The pilot said so.
When we landed, in Salt Lake it WOULD'VE been 5:05 in UT, but in GA, it was 7:05.
Two hours difference.
Then our next flight would be at 8:45 to leave for Savannah, but when we checked what gate it would be at, it was CANCELED!
May 17, 2010
Red Balloon Pictures
Go visit it!
Apr 12, 2010
Missions! :)
Anyway, to my questions. I think I'm going to get this blog published sometime soon...
Question 4) Am I pleased about what I look like? If I could change any part of myself what would it be?
Answer) I think I'm fine the way I am, but if I could change something about me, I would probably change my eyes. I hate my glasses! I would make it so I could see perfectly without using glasses, contacts, or getting surgery. Ugh, I hate surgery. Even though I haven't had surgery, but from people telling me about it, I don't think I want to be in that situation.
Question 5) What is my favorite food? If I cook things for my family, what do I enjoy making most?
Answer) I think my all time favorite food has to be Black Bottom Cupcakes, and pretty much all Chinese food. Yumm... If I cook/bake for my family, my favorite is the Black Bottom Cupcakes (no surprise there) because once I'm finished, I can feel proud of what I did, and to reward myself I eat a cupcake! Mmmm! I should include the recipe sometime in this blog.
Question 6) Has anything major happened since the last time I wrote in my journal?
Answer) Yes. Something major just happened today, in fact. Well, first of all, spring break is over. :'( Also, I have after-school rehearsals every day until the end of April, when my production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat comes out. Phew! But to get to my story, I take care of a lot of pets in my neighborhood, and today was a very cold, rainy day. I was coming home from Alison Knight's house, finishing up babysitting her dog Shiloh. I was riding my scooter, and while I was turning down the driveway, the driveway was so slick my scooter flew out from underneath me and I flipped off the scooter and landed in some gravel on my side, totally bashing my hip bone on the driveway concrete/gravel on the side of the driveway. Now I have a bruise the size of a tennis ball with cuts on it, my elbow is all scraped up, and my hand has tiny flakes of skin peeling off. Miraculously, my head did not bang on the concrete. My arm had flown up and managed to cushion the fall by my head smacking on my arm instead. I am so grateful I didn't have a concussion, because the force of my fall would have been hard enough.
I think that's everything for today!
Apr 11, 2010
Journal Jar
write write write
type type type.
Those words are to make up for my not-so-great excuse for not blogging enough. Wanna hear the excuse? I forgot.... (That was the excuse)
Anyway, to make me feel guilty, my amazingly awesome young women leaders did a lesson today on JOURNALING! I haven't touched this poor guy in a while, and I promised it lots of posts. Sorry, ol' buddy ol' pal. But, the good news is, got a JOURNAL JAR. Bask in the glory, baby.
If you DO know what a journal jar is, sit tight. If not, sit and read/listen.
A journal jar is a jar with hundreds of questions inside (like, on slips of paper. Example: Who was your favorite elementary school teacher? And then I would answer the question in my journal/blog) Soooo, yeah!
So I'm gonna do it! I'm so excited! I really hope that this journal jar will encourage me to blog/journal more. So, i'm going to answer three questions per entry! (Oh, sorry if I do the same questions every once in a while. Be patient with me, please! ::] ALIEN SMILEY FACE!)
Question 1) What is the weirdest dream I've ever had?
Answer) Well...there's been a lot, but the dream that comes to mind first is one that I've had when I was little; probably when I was five years old. In my dream, I was having a picnic with Pooh Bear, Tigger, and Piglet. I asked Pooh if he could pass the grape jelly (which really didn't make any sense to me, because I hate grape jelly) and he did. When I opened the jar, a huge purple monster came out, and he jelly. He tried to eat me! I ran away, and was about to fall off a cliff, when a slide popped out of no where and I slid safely to the bottom, when the jelly monster followed me. I climbed up a ladder, and went down the slide again, and I pretty much did that for the rest of my was weird...
Question 2) What is my favorite scripture and what feelings does it provoke?
Answer) My favorite scripture is Mosiah 2:17 in the Book of Mormon. It states: "And behold I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom, that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God." It reminds me that we need to serve the lord, and we also need to gain a good education.
Question 3) What was I into when I was a child?
Answer) I think the toy I was totally into was Barbies, Polly Pocket, and My Little Pony. I was OBSESSED with them! I was such a little girl back then. Then again, I am a girl. Anyway, one day, a girl named Victoria Jackson (siblings: Amber, Spike, and Charlie) came over because my mom was teaching her older siblings piano, and she suggested we should play My Little Pony. Of course, I agreed. When my back was turned, she stole my My Little Pony horse, and cut off all of its hair! And when I turned around, she was surrounded by little yellow plastic hairs. I still haven't forgiven her of that, because it was my favorite. I know that it seems childish I haven't forgiven her but...still! You would be mad too! :) I was probably 5 or 6 years old. I started bawling and yelling at her, and I told her to leave my room and to go home! She got mad at me for yelling at her, so SHE started crying and ran out of the room. Ugh, that still makes me mad! Sorry for my unChristlike behavior.
Well, I had fun answering these questions! I'll be sure to do it again! Now I'll have something to write about! :)
Ciao for now!
Feb 20, 2010
Nothing Much
I'm sorry, but I really don't have anything to say!
Gosh, that's a first!
I'm sorry I'm wasting your time reading this post, but I felt like my blog was neglected and lonely, so I had to put SOMETHING there!
Poor blank blog...I'm sorry I've let you down.
You will soon be fat, suffed, and overloaded with posts that you will never be lonely ever again!
Won't you like that?
I would.
If I would post!
Gosh, Lizzy!
Anyways, I really wish I had something worth saying, but I don't
My new favorite song is Hey, Soul Sister by Train?
Would that count as something worth saying?
I'm sorry I just wasted about a minute of your precious life reading this.
I promise that next time there will be something worth reading.
I also apologize that I can't give back that wasted minute and twenty seconds.
Live longer, and you'll be covered.
Well, I gotta go!
Jan 26, 2010
You will never guess what happened today!!!
A little background:
Today was the day when the rest of the girls in 9th Grade PE went cross-country skiing.
Alright, since you can't guess what happened today, I will tell you.
Thank me.
You're welcome!! :]
It all started...
I was in French.
We were trying to say "She is Canadian" (Elle est canadienne) when Sammy Scoresby's phone started ringing.
"Sammy!" Mrs. Asay said reproachfully. Sammy is her favorite, I KNOW it! "Give me your phone!"
"Sorry, Mrs. Asay...," Sammy said, pulling out her phone, "wait, Amber's calling." (Amber was on the skiing trip)
Mrs. Asay sighed and rolled her eyes.
Sammy opened her phone and put it on speaker.
"Hello? Sammy? Sammy. Sammy!"
"What, what Amber, I'm right here! What is it?"
"Oh my gosh, you'll never believe what happened!"
"What? What is it!?" Sammy said, looking worried.
"Our bus just got in a car crash!! Oh my gosh!! Augh!"
We were silent.
"Sammy? Hello? Hello-oo?"
"I'," Sammy said faintly.
Mrs. Asay had a hand clapped over her mouth.
What happened? I said silently.
"What happened?" Sammy asked.
"We were just driving along, and suddenly we slammed on the brakes, and there was this terrible screeching. Suddenly there was this huge crash and we all flew forward. I think everyone's okay, just some small bruises, but I'm not sure about the truck. This is a huge bus, and it just crashed into this small truck," Amber said breathlessly.
"Ohmygosh," we all said quietly.
"I have to go, Sammy, we're trying to get everything solved. I'll call you later!"
The phone went dead.
We all started talking at the same time, but we had to get back to the lesson.
Ten minutes later, Sammy got a text.
It said:
'we r fine. the truck is completely destroyed
and there is a huge dent in the front of the bus.
no one was hurt but 2 little girls in the truck had
to go to the hospital 4 medical papers. waiting 4
diff bus.
Later that day, I was packing up my stuff into my backpack to go home, when my friend, Julie, came up behind me.
I whirled around.
"JULIE!" I yelled joyfully, "You're okay!!"
"Yeah, I'm fine! That was so scary! There was this huge stop, and then this huge CRASH and we all slammed into the front of the seats. I have a headache and my neck hurts, but I'm fine. The scary thing is, is if we were over three more feet, we would've gone in the river, and bye-bye us. We were blessed."
"I'll say! I'm just happy you're okay! I was so scared the whole day!"
We hugged, and walked out together.
Well, I'm just happy that everyone is okay, and that no huge damage was done to people.
I'm so thankful!
Well, ciao for now!
Jan 24, 2010
Church Catastrophe
Just terrible.
I feel so bad about what happened at church.
It all started when....
My friend, Ashley Bouwhuis (bow-ISS... bow as in, "Bow to me!) isn't in my Sunday School class, but she comes in anyway because there was no other teacher to teach the 14-15 B class. I am in the A class. Today, we got new teachers, Bro. and Sis. Buckles for the B class. Which meant that Ashley had to go.
They came in, picking up the kids in our class.
"McKay, Tyler, and Jake," Sis. Buckles had read aloud from a sheet of paper.
I was holding my breath.
"We also have an Ashley, but they're a boy. We have everyone."
She left.
Ashely sighed in relief.
"Whoa, that was close!"
"Chya," I said.
We started the lesson, with my dad, and his partner, Bro. Linebaugh getting the scriptures we were supposed to read on the chalkboard. Suddenly the door opened.
"Crepes," I muttered under my breath.
It was Sis. Buckles.
"We just found out that Ashley is a girl! We need her," she announced, proud she had eventually found out the correct gender of my friend.
I admit, I got a little whiny.
"Daaad...can't she staaay?" I complained, sticking out my bottom lip.
"Sorry. I'll try to figure something out, but she should go to her real class."
I slumped back in my chair, defeated.
Ashley got up sadly and left.
After Sunday School, we met each other in the hallway.
We talked for a little bit, and then I accidentally (I mean it!) dropped the bomb.
"So how was your class?"
It seemed innocent enough for a question, but Ashley scowled.
"Terrible. I hated it."
"Awww, you missed me!" I teased.
"No, really, it was the worst class I've ever had." She was dead serious. Her face was even turning a bit red.
"I'm sorry! What--"
I was cut off, we had to get into Young Womens.
We sat in the back together.
"What happ--"
I was interrupted again, not because someone had reproachfully shouted, "Lizzy, pay attention!" but because fresh tears were budding and spilling over Ashley's eyes.
I stared in shock.
"I-i-it was th-the worst class...ever!" she hiccuped.
I looked around nervously. No one saw what was going on.
I grabbed her hand.
"Let's go to the bathroom."
She nodded, her face now a bright, blotchy red, her lips pressed tightly together to stop herself from wailing.
I stood up and pulled her from the room to save her from people staring.
We ran down the empty hallways and flung ourselves into the bathroom, bolting into the largest stall for the people in wheelchairs, and locked the door behind us. It was also the stall where people changed for the baptisimal (baptismal?) font, so there was a wooden bench against the wall next to the door.
We sat there while Ashley cried silently.
"Did people tease you? Provoke you?" I asked.
"No! The teachers picked on me!!" she cried.
"I...don't understand."
"Th-they would always call on me for every s-single question, even if I d-didn't know it, and they weren't very n-nice to me!" she sobbed.
Just then the door opened into the bathroom. She stopped crying abruptly.
I peeked through the crack of the door, and stopped breathing.
It was Sis. Taylor, our Mia Maids advisor. She was looking for us.
I turned around in panic, and motioned to be quiet with my finger.
She was peeking in all of the open stalls to see if we were hiding. She started moving towards ours.
"Oh, hello Laura!" a cheerful voice called behind her.
She turned around, distracted.
I breathed a sigh of relief and Sis. Taylor started talking to a woman. After they finished talking, she left.
"That was close!" I whispered frantically.
Ashley nodded.
We stayed in the bathroom a bit more, until Ashley composed herself. We opened the stall door (after making sure no one was inside the bathroom. It would be weird if someone saw two girls walk out of the same stall) and Ashley wiped her eyes.
We then left the bathroom, and silently walked down the hallway to the Young Womens rooms.
I also had a presidency meeting (since I'm secretary for Mia Maids) and I had to stay after because I needed something copied off for me.
Sis. Wetsel (the other leader) managed to corner me.
"I noticed you and Ashley were late for Young Womens. I saw you in the hallway, waiting outside," she nosed.
"Um...well..." I stammered. I didn't want her to know.
"Ashley looked a little...distressed...when you came in. Was everything alright?"
I was trapped.
"Uh, well, she just had a little problem and she was"--I had to word this right!--"she asked me to come along with her to solve it."
Oh yeah, I was golden!
"So she's okay now?" she nosed some more.
I nodded fervently.
She seemed satisfied.
I don't care if I tell you this, dear friends, but i just don't want Sis. Wetsel and Taylor to know, because they are WAY to nosey and protective.
I was gone for three Sunday's in a row because
1st week: I was sick
2nd week: I had to go to a baby shower
3rd week: I was sick again.
They sent a girl in my Concert Singers class--who was also in my ward--to see if I was going inactive!!
No, for your information, I'm not!
I don't thank you for asking!
Well, I hope you understand how I feel about them.
I gotta go!
Scripture studies!
Ciao for now,
Jan 23, 2010
Concert Singers have Crazy Good Times!
I mean, the big big one.
It was huge, man, huge.
It was the concert that us Concert Singers have been preparing for all year. It it went perfectly!
It was so much fun!
We sang the songs (in this order): Hark I Hear the Harps Eternal; Bashana Haba'ah; and Hallelujah, Amen.
It was amaaaayyyyyzing!
Well, I have to tell you a crazy story that happened to me today!
Okay, well...
Have you been to Cottonwood Highschool in Salt Lake City?
I don't remember?
Well, anyway, we performed there because it is the largest auditorium in the state so more people can fit in it for more concerts.
Anyway (again) there are the stairs to the balcony on one side (the left) and on your right there is a HUGE commons area that's just a blank floor with steps on either side to get to the lunchroom. Near the commons area, there is a double drinking fountain.
By double drinking fountain I mean its just a big block of something just hanging around in the middle of the room, and then there is a drinking spout on one side, and another drinking spout on the other side.
Make sense?
Okay, so we were in our lines, getting ready to go inside when I got really thirsty.
I made my friend, Julie, come with me. She was thirsty too, don't worry!
So she goes on one side of the block of something, and I go on the other, and we start drinking. We pressed the drinking buttons at the same time, so it was just a small trickle of water, which caused us to lean our heads down to drink it easier.
I finished before Julie, and I leaned away (still with water in my mouth, getting ready to swallow) when I let go of the little button. The water flew out of the spout on Julie's side, and sprayed her in the face, causing her to inhale the water!
I started laughing really hard, when I realized I still had water in my mouth and I had tried to breathe and swallow at the same time, causing me to start choking! I started retching and coughing, spraying water down my front and all over the drinking fountain and the floor.
I couldn't breathe!
Julie runs over and starts slapping me on the back really hard, screaming, "Live, Lizzy, live!"
Some of the boys in their lines started watching me, their mouths open in a perfect O.
I finally manage to suck in a small breath, enough for me to cough out the water that was stuck, (if you know what I'm saying).
I slump down to the floor, cough a couple more times, and then start laughing like crazy!
Julie was still freaking out, still trying to thump me on the back a couple more times, but I was fine after that.
Then we started laughing so hard that--I swear--our ribs cracked. I was still worn out from the coughing, and it hurt to breathe in hard, but I was just grateful I didn't pass out.
Things like that always make you laugh hysterically.
Ah, those near-death experiences.
Well, I gotta go to bed!
Jan 22, 2010
Fun, Fun, Fun!
Jan 20, 2010
Its a New Year's Resolution of mine...twenty days late.
I'm sorry!
Don't judge me!
I couldn't think of anything spot on, you know?
Okay, well...
I'm gonna try to blog MORE OFTEN!
I pretty much fail in the blogging category, and this is like, my journal, so I need to write in it more often.
Waaaaay more often.
Besides, in my LDS Seminary class, I have to try to write in my journal more, so I'm gonna make it one of my resolutions.
Lets hope I can keep this one this year!
Come on!
Also, I need to read my scriptures and pray more. I keep on forgetting!
I'm sorry!
That's me dead, by the way.
Turn your head sideways.
Oh oh oh OH!
I just remembered something!
I forgot....
I've realized I do a lot of really short sentences, and then press the enter key.
You know what I'm sayin'?
I just did it again!
Stop that!
Gosh, I'm so repetitive and predictable.
That is NOT something you want to achieve in life.
Okay, so I have this cool blog.
Its the poetry one.
I'm sure you've heard of it.
Well, anyways, I had to write a poem for my Honors English class about--you guessed it--poetry. So, I want you to click on this link to my poetry blog! Sorry if it's the wrong blog. I'll post another link for ya.
You're welcome!
Okay, well, I have to go!
Talk to you...TOMORROW!
(I hope!)
Ciao for now!
Jan 19, 2010
My cousin Julia just had TWINS!
They are a boy and a girl, and their names are Hannah and Warner. Warner was named after her maiden name.
So, if you wanna see the adorable little chiddlers, click on the word baby. Ready, set, go!
Hope you clicked on it!
Not saying that it doesn't have value or anything.
It's just dumb.
Today we got our report cards.
I didn't make the honor roll.
I just barely missed it. Just a smidgeon! (Yes, I made up that word.)
The worst thing happened today!
Okay, so I had my umbrella with me, cause, you know, it was snowing rain or raining snow or whatever it is, and after school I was having the time of my life throwing the umbrella out so it would extend (it was one of those really cool collapsible ones to make it smaller to fit in places), and then swinging it back in, and so on and so forth.
I was outside doing it, with my friend standing beside me, when my friend, Caiden, walks up.
"Caiden! Watch this cool stunty thing I can do with an umbrella!" I yelled excitedly.
"Show me," he said.
I pulled my arm back, and swung the umbrella forward. Guess what happened?
The top of the umbrella, the part that protects you from the rain, flew off!
So now there's the top of the umbrella, and the rod that was supposed to hold the top.
They are separate.
Caiden laughed at me.
On a happier note!
Scroll down, please!

I hope that made your day!
Ciao for now!

Jan 17, 2010
Dogsitting....That's A Word, Right?
I guess you could say I have this permanent job with people in my neighborhood to dogsit(?) their dogs when they go out of town. Their names are Lucky and Caesar (the dogs, not the people) and they are, I believe, Maltises. They are extremely tiny and white. And cute!
The only annoying thing is, is if you approach Caesar too fast and freak him out, he pees!
Not lying!
He does!
My dad scared him today when he came over, and Caesar peed everywhere! I had to clean it up. Bleh.
Anyway, I just got back from the house, and something weird/really creepy happened. Earlier today, I stayed over at the Youd's house (their last names for the people I dogsit for) and was working on my homework.
I distinctly remember their doggy bed all messed up in their crate, and a bowl of dog food inside for when they get hungry. I put the dogs in, and left.
Just a few minutes ago, I went over again to let them go to the bathroom, and something scared the bejeezies outta me!
The dog food bowl was on the top of the crate.
The doggy bed was smoothed out.
Someone got in the house!
I locked up every door!
I really don't know how to lock the windows, but I am pretty sure that I don't have too.
And, they aren't supposed to get back until Monday night!
I told my dad this, and he said maybe one of the older kids came in to get something, because one of the older kids lives in Provo. This kind of calmed me down, but I still was worried.
I'm sure you would be worried, too!
It was scary, okay?!
Well, I gotta go!